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英语翻译In 2004,China's economy grew at an impressive 9.5% rate,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/14 10:41:40
In 2004,China's economy grew at an impressive 9.5% rate,and global trade has increased dramatically with China's membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 2001.Increased globalization has caused China and other Asian countries to seriously consider the environmental implications of their logistics and supply chain practices and how best to share this concern with their international partners [4].Given these evolving competitive,economic and environmental pressures and outcomes,investigating,evaluating and facilitating corporate environmental logistical and supply chain practices in China have grown in importance especially given the pressure for self-regulation (e.g.,[4],[5],[6] and [7]).
Green supply chain management (GSCM) represents a recent and important inter- and intra-organizational set of environmental management practices useful for logistics management in this context.GSCM is designed to incorporate environmental considerations into decision making at each inbound logistics stage of materials management all the way through to the outbound logistics stage of post-consumer disposal and the ‘closing-the-loop’ concept of reverse logistics [7],[8] and [9].Governmental and other public pressures,increasingly savvy young customers and export and sale to foreign customers after its entry into the WTO [6] have led an increasing number of Chinese enterprises to begin implementing environmental practices,especially practices within GSCM.2
The present study focuses on three aspects of the extent of GSCM practice adoption3 by Chinese manufacturing firms,specifically (a) external relationships (ER) including green purchasing and customer cooperation over environmental concerns,traditional logistics domains,(b) investment recovery (IR) from an end-of-life ‘closing-the-loop’ perspective,a reverse logistics domain,and (c) broader-based interactions involving eco-design (ECO) practices,which would incorporate cooperative design and delivery of those designs.Earlier research conducted in the emergent Chinese manufacturing context has shown that these and related GSCM practices have the potential to substantially influence environmental and process relationships across the supply chain and also that these GSCM practices have the potential to significantly impact an enterprise's environmental,operational and financial performance [7] and [13].Extending this line of research,we argue for and test for whether the extent of adoption of these GSCM practices is positively related to two primary organizational management characteristics:organizational learning and management support,after controlling environmental and organizational characteristics such as industry levels of the relevant practice,organizational size and market,regulatory,supplier and cost pressures.
英语翻译In 2004,China's economy grew at an impressive 9.5% rate,
在2004年,中国的经济增长令人印象深刻的9.5 %率,以及全球贸易的大幅度增加与中国的加入世界贸易组织( WTO )自2001年以来.日益全球化已引起中国和亚洲其他国家认真考虑对环境的影响,他们的物流及供应链的做法和如何最好地分享这方面的关注与他们的国际伙伴[ 4 ] .鉴于这些不断变化的竞争力,经济和环境的压力和成果,调查,评价和促进企业环保后勤和供应链的做法在中国成长的重要性,特别是由于压力的自我规管(例如,[ 4 ] ,[ 5 ] ,[ 6 ]及[ 7 ] ) .
绿色供应链管理( gscm )代表了最近的和重要的内部和组织间的一套环境管理的做法有用的物流管理在这方面.gscm设计把环境因素纳入决策在每一个访港物流的阶段,物料管理,所有的方式,通过向出境物流的阶段,消费后的处置和'闭幕-闭环'的概念,逆向物流[ 7 ] ,[ 8 ]及[ 9 ] .政府和其他公共压力,越来越精明的年轻顾客和出口和出售给国外客户后,其加入世界贸易组织[ 6 ]已导致越来越多的中国企业到开始实施的环保措施,尤其是做法gscm.2
目前的研究侧重于三个方面的程度gscm实践adoption3由中国制造企业,特别是(一)外部关系( ER )的包括绿色采购和客户合作的环境问题,传统的物流领域,( b )投资回收( IR )的从一结束生命'闭幕-闭环'的角度来看,逆向物流领域,及(三)基础更广泛的互动,涉及生态设计(经合组织)的做法,这将纳入合作设计和提供这些设计.较早前进行的研究,在急诊中国制造业的背景显示,这些问题和相关gscm的做法有可能大大影响环境和过程的关系,整个供应链,而且这些gscm的做法有可能显着影响企业的环境,业务和财务表现[ 7 ]及[ 13 ] .延长这条线的研究,我们认为,为与试验范围是否通过这些gscm做法是呈正相关,两所小学组织管理的特点:组织学习和管理支持,在控制环境和组织的特点,如与工业水平有关实践中,组织规模和市场,管理,供应商和成本压力.