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暑假生活作文 急,我没出去过.(就去我姐家住了几天)就去补习数学.去旅游就免了.(应为没那兴趣)写的普通点.大哥大姐们。

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 02:12:14
暑假生活作文 急,
暑假生活作文 急,我没出去过.(就去我姐家住了几天)就去补习数学.去旅游就免了.(应为没那兴趣)写的普通点.大哥大姐们。
Unforgettable vacation
Topic: and after the eagle stronger
When I think of "the eagle stronger after rain." This sentence, it will remind me of the sea fishing in the scene. Now think of it, I still immersed in happiness.
In summer day, our family to LeTing city tourism in hebei province. The next morning, the father said to sea fishing. I listened, leaping suddenly elated three feet high, then took the bus to mom and dad immediately fishermen port.
In port, wow! I saw many boats tidy arrangement on the sea, is spectacular. We took a ship horsepower maximum shape the biggest ship. With the start of the ship, we happy journey began. Standing in the sea, look, feel good mood also widened the many, still feel awe-inspiring, I got away secretly pleased.
The ship to the sea. Then, as the surging waves as a cannon shell with constantly in our ship collision, the ship was wrecked on the wave west sway. We also with violent swings hull. I began to some fear, the ship security? In case by waves over? We don't just away? Think about it, I took my dad's clothes said: "dad, let's go! Don't fish!" Then, the fisherman sitting beside you hear what I said, smiled and said: "kid, do not fear, we are here, you will be safe." I turn head to look at the black and red face, fishermen and looked at his own body, can actually see they must pass the wind, perennial must have a lot of experience, can't help letting reminds me of how many times they risk their lives, they fought with the sea waves facing the sea of monstrous bravely. Think about it, I took my dad's hand clothes, wind blowing on my face, and I have not shrink back, because I know only to let oneself and stronger. Fishermen uncle stand it, I'm too, then, I am still sitting in the boat, the wind blow surrender ear.
"This fish!" Father smiled to me, saying, I listen to. The fishermen cast fishing methods to teach us, we began to fishing. We put his net in the sea, and over the minutes after we started pulling. "One, two, three!" We tugged at nets, good heavy! Finally pulled up! I see. Wow! A lot of HaiHuo ah! Pliers are waving large crab, A cute six feet starfish, The animal and fish... Really big harvest!
I forget how happy! When the sea waves of holding the joy. "Laughter, pouring out like and I immersed in joy! After the successful taste of fish really wonderful! But this is how hard-won ah!
暑假生活作文 急,我没出去过.(就去我姐家住了几天)就去补习数学.去旅游就免了.(应为没那兴趣)写的普通点.大哥大姐们。 用和风细雨造句只要用和风细雨这个词造句就可以了,大哥大姐,造的句子要好点,我去看了其他人的,那真是..让我.. 帮忙写英语作文 初中水平就行了!(加翻译,好的加30分)1、我的暑假生活(要求:内容是是关于去旅游的作文) 英语作文 一般将来时过几天我们就放暑假了,我很高兴.我的暑假计划是这样的:首先,然后,我将要利用暑假的时间去海边度假一个 P81~82.P84~86 谁有 .快 我们今天下午就上课了 .呜 .那几天我生病请假没去上课 . 我快没时间就随便抄了作文选的作文交上去,没想到老师要我去参加征文比赛,我该怎么办 “下星期我就去旅游了”英文怎么翻译 其实我已经初中毕业了,再过二十天左右就升高中。但是我哥给我的几本奥数都是看到中间就看不下去。有很多都是初中没学到的。看那 如何去研究宇宙我对什么都没兴趣 读书没兴趣 而今天已经16岁了读初2 下学期读初3 天天就睡觉 而对那些宇宙的事 还有什 我梦到地震了 梦到我和亲戚们在饭店吃饭,然后突然房子很晃,我就跑出去了,当 我跑出去的时候房子就倒了,好多人没出来然后我 求去九寨沟旅游的英语作文,是暑假旅游,60字左右.只要描写去景点旅游的情景就可以了,是一家人 我马上要出国去南非了,我初中根本没学一点,几乎就英语白痴,现在要去那想多少补点英语,好到那可以更快适应.有什么办法让我能