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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 21:18:58
In the modernization city, the city too relies on fossil fuel class energy and so on petroleum malpractices to be getting more and more obvious, except the massive energy by consumption for no reason, even discharges the massive greenhouse gas the production, causes the greenhouse effect to be even more serious in the city, simultaneously he has also violated the sustainable development. Statistics indicated that to 2015, the whole world must increase every day to the petroleum demand amounts to 30,000,000 barrels. If in the formulation corresponding energy policy, the global energy will not consume the danger, at the same time also has the enormous disaster to the urban environment and the air quality, the cause reduces people's quality of life. Moreover urban unceasing expansion outward, but does not have an order plan, has wasted the limited land, brings beside the quite serious influence to the urban environment whole, simultaneously is closely linked with the greenhouse gas withdrawal's fluctuation. The tropical island effect produces in light of this. According to the overseas scholar newest research, indicates the low density finally the extension type development compared to relative in the high density compact development change in the promotion tropical island effect formation. Has the enormous influence to the urban meteorological change.
英语翻译在后现代化城市中,城市过于依赖石油等化石燃料类能源的弊端越来越明显,除了大量能源被无端的消耗,更甚至排放大量温室 英语翻译合成氨是化工行业中的耗能大户,消耗大量的石油、天然气等能源Compound ammonia is one of 翻译成英语合成氨是化工行业中的耗能大户,消耗大量的石油、天然气等能源 煤石油核能等能源在形成过程中固定了大量的太阳辐射能 英语翻译一方面,人们在日常生产和生活中通过燃烧化石燃料释放大量的温室气体.近年来,主要温室气体的排放量不断增加,引起温室 化石能源在燃烧的过程中会向空气中排放大量的二氧化碳等气体,污染大气环境,而水能、风能、太阳能、地热能均不存在碳的排放; 煤炭.石油等化石燃料是可再生的能源吗?原因 为什么说煤 石油等化石燃料在形成过程中固定了大量的太阳辐射能? 工业革命以来的人类活动,尤其是发达国家在工业化过程中大量消耗能源资源,导致大气中温室气体浓度增加,引起全球气候近50年来 “低碳经济”是最近国际社会应对人类大量消耗化石能源、大量排放二氧化碳等温室气体引起环境污染和全球气候灾害性变化而提出的新 A、温室效应主要是由于现代化工业社会过多燃烧煤炭、石油和天然气,大量排放机动车尾气,这些燃料燃烧后放出大量的二氧化碳气 英语翻译摘要:\x05目前作为人类主要能源的化石能源,年消耗量在不断增长,储量日益下降,且大量燃烧化石能源已经造成空气污