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英语翻译Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 22:29:46
Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career,and opinions have ranged widely.But perhaps those who called him "the most general human being of our time" came closest to the truth.
Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career,and opinions have ranged widely.But perhaps those who called him "the most general human being of our time" came closest to the truth.Those who have called him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work.It is an art filled with sad elements and deep human feeling,with which an audience cannot help but become involved.It is for these reasons,I believe,that the figure of Charlie has attracted generation after generation.
All the writers who give accounts of Chaplin's life agree that Charlie's unhappy early years in the area in London where houses were dirty and worn had a great influence on his development and on the type of films he made.Chaplin himself emphasizes it in his memoirs (回忆录).The more one reads about his earliest period,the more one tends to agree.Indeed,his suffering youth had a lasting influence on him.
Chaplin was never afraid to deal with subjects causing much disagreement in his films.He gave a humorous performance on war only a few weeks before the American soldiers came home from World War I in 1918.This was regarded as madness,but the performance was well received.So perfectly did it hit the nail on the head that even the returning soldiers found it impossible to hate it and deeply appreciated this short and humorous performance on what for them had been unpleasant reality.Chaplin gave numerous performances attacking capital governments,satirizing (讽刺) the cruelty of the machine age and even making fun of Hitler.
Years after his death,the funny films of motion picture actor and director Charlie Chaplin continue to be popular.He is particularly well known for his success as a creator of humorous presentations that make fun of people,the establishment,or networks.
Charlie Chaplin has broken all records in making people laugh.No one has so set a whole world laughing as the little man with the walking stick and the overlarge shoes.
英语翻译Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career
卓别林从未害怕过在他的电影中安排引起争议的主题.他用幽默的表演表现了战争这一题材,而此时正值1918年,离美国大兵结束一战返乡还有几个星期.他的表演被认为是疯狂的,但也被很多人所接受.So perfectly did it hit the nail on the head(这句还真不知道要怎么翻)以至于那些返乡的士兵无法觉得其可恨,而是被这个短小幽默的表演深深吸引.尽管这个表演的题材是他们所面的不幸的现实.卓别林的很多作品都抨击了资本主义政府,讽刺了工业时代的残酷,甚至取笑了希特勒.