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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:32:16
可爱的小猫我家有一只可爱的小猫,我每次放学回家都要看一看.这只小猫的身上长着许多黄色的条纹,走路的时候一摇一摆的,好玩极了.它的耳朵尖尖的,微小的声音也能听到.它的眼睛平时是圆的,睡觉的时候就把眼睛眯成一条缝.它的嘴是粉红色的,嘴边还长着几根胡须.小猫不但可爱,还会捉老鼠呢!它一听到有动静就躲起来,等着老鼠出洞.一会儿,老鼠从洞里把头伸出来 东瞧瞧,西瞧瞧,觉着没有动静了才大胆地走出洞.小猫一见,浑身毛都竖起来了,它像箭一样蹿过去,把老鼠捉住了.小猫叼着老鼠走到姥姥面前,把嘴里的老鼠不停地摇动着,好像在请功.我姥姥一见,乐呵呵地说:“哟,又捉住了一只老鼠.”小猫好像也知道在表扬它似的,得意洋洋地找个地方享用它的“战果”去了.
There is a cute cat cute cat in my family, every time I come home from school to see. A lot of long yellow striped kitten who, when walking, a swing, very fun. It's pointed ears, small voice can be heard. Its eyes are usually round, sleep time and narrow one's eyes. Its mouth is pink, the mouth also with whiskers. The cat is not only cute, will catch mice! It heard the sound of hiding, waiting for the mouse out of the hole. For a while, the mouse from the hole head out to look at the East, the West looked at, think nothing ventured to walk out of the hole. The cat saw, whole body hair bristled, it comes like an arrow past, catch the mouse. The cat with mouse went to grandma in front, the mouth of the mouse shaking non-stop, as if in the qinggong. My grandma saw, cheerfully said: "Yo, and caught a mouse." The cat seemed to know in praise it, feel oneself highly flattered to find a place to enjoy it "results" to the.