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Samuel looks good in that old jacket,doesn't?这里的in that连读了吗,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 13:19:36
Samuel looks good in that old jacket,doesn't?这里的in that连读了吗,为什么磁带里发出“乃”的音,还是我听错了?
Samuel looks good in that old jacket,doesn't?这里的in that连读了吗,
构成:to do 即:不定式符号+ 动词原形
一般式 (not) to write
完成式 (not) to have written
进行式 (not) to be writing
完成进行式 (not) to have been writing
一般式(not) to be written
完成式(not) to have been written
He helped the old man clean the house.他帮助老人打扫房子.
He was pleased to see our success. 看到我们获得成功,他很高兴.
To err is human, to forgive divine.失误人皆有之,而宽容乃找人之举./人孰无过,宽容为上.
I shall go to the airport to meet a friend.我要去机场接朋友.
He asked me to see him this summer.他要我今年夏天去看.
I am glad to take my younger sister to the countryside next Sunday.我很高兴下星期天带我妹妹到乡下
I am glad to have seen your mother yesterday.我很高兴昨天见到你母亲.
He thought it a pity not to have invited us.他认为没邀请我们是个遗憾.
The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed to have discovered the river.
I promise to have read this book by next Tuesday.
I hope to have met him before I leave tomorrow.
Things seem to be going on smoothly. 似乎一切进展顺利.
You are said to be writing a paper on pollution.据说你正在写篇关于污染的论文.
We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here.我们没想到你在这儿等我们.
I am sorry to be troubling you at such a time.很抱歉在这种时候打扰你.
Hurry up, he is sure to be waiting for us.
I don’t like you to be always coming late for work.
I hadn’t expected them to be waiting for me when I arrived there so late.
We are happy to have been working with you.我们很高兴这一段时间和你们在一起工作.
The struggle was known to have been going on for over 20 years. 据悉这个斗争以进行20多年了.
They are said to have been collecting folk songs in Yunnan.据说他们一直在云南搜集民歌.
He appears to have been waiting a long time.= It appears that he has been waiting a long time.看来他已经等了很久了.
He seems to have been sitting there all day.他似乎在那里坐了一整天.
You are to be congratulated. 应该向你祝贺.
Nothing at the exhibition is to be touched by visitors.展览会上的一切参观者皆不可触摸.
It is a great honor to be elected a model worker.当选为劳动模范是很大的荣誉.
I am very happy to be given a chance to visit your country.很高兴有机会访问贵国.
He didn’t like himself to be praised like that.他不喜欢自己受到这样的赞扬.
A doctor can expect to be called at any hour of the day or night.医生可以随请随到.
As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national literature were at hand, waiting to be used .在二十世纪即将结束时,我们的手中已经积累了很多能够促成伟大民族文学的原始题材,这些题材正等着被利用.
Mr. Johnson preferred to be given heavier work to do. 约翰逊先生宁可有更重的活干.
The books are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room.不许将书拿出阅览室.
A: Robert is said to have spent a sleepless night in the hospital, looking after his sick mother.
B: Yes. H’s sleeping soundly now.
----I’ll go back to our home town the day after tomorrow. Have you got anything to be taken to your parents?
----No, thank you. I’ll be back in a few days, too.
The letter was ordered to be typed out at once.
Still greater successes were hoped to be gained.
Bitten by the dog, he should be sent to a hospital to be examined.
It is a good thing for him to have been criticized.他受到批评是好事.
he thought it an honor to have been invited to the party.被邀请参加晚会他感到很荣幸.
She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post.她是第一个选上这样职位的妇女.
I’m pleased to have been given this opportunity.给我这次机会我很高兴.
Nothing seems to have been forgotten.似乎什么也没有被遗忘.
The bank is reported in the local newspaper to have been robbed in broad daylight yesterday.
A: She didn’t speak to me yesterday. She was unhappy.
B: Well, she seemed to have been told about it.
7.不定式的否定式:否定副词not 或 never, seldom, hardly等要放在不定式符号之前.
To be or not to be----that is the question.生存还是毁灭,这是问题所在.
He was nowhere to be seen.哪里都找不到他.
He got up in order not to be late for the train.他早起,是为了赶上火车.
It is expected not to be taken away until next Monday.人们希望下周以前这不要拿走.
She pretended not to see me when I passed by.我走过的时候,她假装没看见.
He worked carefully so as to avoid mistakes.他工作仔细,目的是想避免错误.
Tom kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job. 汤姆对事故保持沉默是为了不丢掉他的工作.
AIDS is said to have been the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.据说艾滋病在近几年已成为该地区男女共同面对的最大健康杀手了.
Mrs. Smith warned her daughter never to drive after drinking.
The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him not to.