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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 08:20:10
谁能用英文介绍一下分手快乐这首歌的意思啊什么的 最好再用英文介绍一下梁静茹(关于梁静茹的趣事啊什么的)
这是翻唱王菲的“旋木”吗? 你有惊讶于这个版本的歌词与原曲的大不同吗?其实这就是“旋木”旋律的原作者“袁惟仁”在创作这首歌时的最原始版本,而故事讲的不是爱情的旋转木马,反而是一段LA高速公路所连结出的分手故事.也因为歌词及出发点的不同,让整首歌产生了完全不同的趣味,使得一首歌的风味几乎完全改变,让人一听就有:“啊 原来如此啊,当初创作者的故事是这样喔”的感觉.而这支DEMO当初还被贴在网路上广为流传,一度在网路转寄信排行里高居不下呢! 这是翻唱电影“向左走向右走”主题曲的英文版吗? 你有惊讶于这个版本与原曲的大不同吗?其实这就是原作者“林一峰”在创作这首歌时的最原始版本,而且在被创作出来的刹那,竟然是以英文呈现的!来自香港的林一峰其实在香港就出过专辑,本身也是创作歌手.他用简单的英文,却创造了一样耐人寻味的歌词世界,也因为歌词及出发点的不同,让整首歌产生了完全不同的趣味,使得一首歌的风味几乎完全改变,让人一听就有:‘啊 原来如此啊,当初创作者的感觉是这样喔’的感觉. 这张合辑曲目可说是累积了去年全年市场,传唱度最高的国语歌曲,但特别的就是抽掉了大家习以为常、站在台前的艺人,让幕后的词曲真实的感情及歌声,第一次跟歌迷的心直接接触.而且是请这些原创作人将自己的心血,用有如“诺拉琼斯”般的最诚恳的音乐风格,以Unplugged编曲演唱自己的作品,而且在母带上也是不加上额外的特效及修饰,因此能呈现歌声中最细致的情绪.这15位原创作人以”挑战原曲”的态度,强调摆脱了明星的色彩,原作者的真实歌声,一点也不输专业歌手,而且由于是自己的心血,所以唱起来比歌手投入的感情更丰厚,而且很多歌词及歌名都与原唱艺人的版本不同,让熟悉这些国语HITO单曲的歌迷,有机会听听原创者的“爱 原色”.
It is a remake of Faye Wong's "turned"? You have different surprise on this version of the lyrics and music? In fact, this is the "turned" the melody of the original author "Yuan Weiren" in the creation of the song's original version, while the carousel story is not love, it is a LA break up stories out of highway links. Also because the lyrics and the starting point is different, so the whole song had a completely different taste, make a song flavor almost completely changed, let people listen to: "oh so that is what it is. Oh, this is when the initial author story.". The DEMO was widely circulated on the Internet were posted, once in the network forwards youngest declined! It is a remake of the movie "left to right" the theme song of the English version? Different you are surprised at this version with the original song? In fact, this is the original author of "Chet Lam" in the creation of the song's original version was created, and in the moment, it is rendered in english! Chet Lam from Hongkong in Hongkong on the album, itself is also a singer. He used a simple English, has created a world afford much food for thought the lyrics, but also because of the lyrics and the starting point is different, so the whole song had a completely different taste, make a song flavor almost completely changed, let people listen to: 'oh so that is what it is. Oh, the original creator of the feeling is like this.' feeling. This compilation tracks is cumulative annual market last year, the highest degree of Mandarin songs sung, but special is the pull off everybody be accustomed to, get in front of the artist, let the feelings behind the scenes and songs lyrics real, the first direct contact with fans of the heart. And please the original people of their own efforts, such as "Norah Jones" with a most sincere style of music, Unplugged music singing their own works, but also in the master is not plus additional effects and modified, so can present songs in the most delicate emotions. The 15 original people to "challenge the original song" attitude, stressed out of Star color, the original author of the true voice, do not lose a professional singer, but also because of their own efforts, so the singer sing than feelings is more abundant, and many of the lyrics and the song is different with the original sung artist version, so familiar with the language HITO single fans, have the opportunity to listen to the original "love color".
Fish Leong, formerly known as Liang Cuiping, Malaysia singer, was born in Shunde Guangdong china. Since his debut in 1999 has released 10 album and 1 album, loved by the three sides and new fans. Representative works are "courage", "no condition for you", "happy", "Ningxia", "warm", known as the "Queen of love songs". In June 25, 2009, Fish Leong announced through the media, has promised to marry her boyfriend Zhao Yuantong, will be the fastest at the end of the year on marriage. In February 1, 2010, Fish Leong and her fiance Zhao Yuantong (Tony) holds the wedding ceremony in Philippines's Boracay, mentor of Jonathan Lee as a witness.
Fish Leong, a Chinese music name ring. She was born in Malaysia, to get Jonathan Lee affirmation in a singing competition, and bring it into the rolling stones album. At the age of 18, one person alone to Taipei, began her music dream. In the audition when, in the face of all kinds of setbacks, Fish Leong calm and stable performance, and ultimately won the appreciation, carefully recording the album two years in a few days after issue, Taiwan earthquake happened, all propaganda and all of canceled, Fish Leong amazing perseverance through time.
In 2000, again, with the song "courage" to make her popular in the Greater China region, has since become "k song days"! Then Fish Leong an annual rate of album, defend her status in the Chinese music scene. "I never told you" "Happy Birthday" "a second paradise" "Ningxia" "warm" "breathing pain" "swallowtail butterfly," "kiss" "Silk Road" "but not you" "" "no" if "worship song" and other songs long among the large scale charts. Fish Leong elegant music to lyrical kind give priority to, also contains a variety of elements, rock music, she is fully deserve the "Asian diva"! Her voice is warm and magnetic, has an extraordinary strength, can be for people to heal the soul, can in the ordinary Zhizhirenxin, directed at you the world of love, she is fully deserve the "Asian love days"! For her part, she is in her heart and connotation to sing, to use music really with all the fans exchange, sharing is as a singer, the biggest happiness. Like her songs expressed it, only know yourself, love life, cherish every person around, we can find that life becomes beautiful magic secret! Let us work together to experience the static Ru song aloof, feeling her singing in active and happy!