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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 08:17:09
"Franchise contract" refers to two business units of the legal relationship between. A franchisor (party b) in (party a) from franchisees buy a complete license, and agree to implement its principles. The former and the latter is the business activities, but the former respectively of the latter can accept all products or part of a product. Usually, the former to the latter concession contract requirement pay franchise profits according to its business, while the percentage of total sales of certain from which received its wages. The latter will often provide training, management equipment, design of the device and national sales service.
Franchise contracts as a management tool, has been used by many industries, such as small computer industry, tourism and car tourism and fast food services. McDonald's is the application of this a management means to encourage technical popularization.
Franchise organizations, including McDonald's company, which are not encourage franchise dealers innovations. Instead, the new technology products and process design development are at the company's headquarters. There are always test and inspection catering service, to assess the operating condition of the need to change. Usually, the idea of new equipment by the company's engineering personnel research, then by holding out new product manufacturing license of small manufacturers for the production. McDonald's company, by way of franchising, the most remarkable features are: it has a highly automated catering service system, and has high quality standards. Equipment and food almost entirely by the headquarters of the franchisor provides complete device, according to the uniform design is build, and the style are conducive to the highly automated service. Full operating equipment almost no let person test or to adopt new technology of leeway. Although some of the McDonald's franchise agents have been trying to add some new in recipes pattern, but company idea to encourage the company highest levels change research.
McDonald's franchise that success in the technical innovation, the key is to let local businessman management franchise. By designated company members of franchising activities, such management talents and quickly developed. And franchising activities throughout the success, the franchisor more welcome company headquarters for the new technology or the new management methods.
英语翻译“特许权合同”是指两个经营单位之间的法律关系.特许经营商(乙方)从特许者处(甲方)购买某成套许可证,并同意执行其 英语翻译对特许经营商有管辖权的任何政府机构要求对本合约的任何条款作出对意美公司不利修改时,或就意美公司产品销售业务的经营 急··求~一篇关于机场特许经营或者就特许经营的英文文章 甲方乙方用英语怎么说同上指的是合同上的 甲方和乙方 owner 和 contractor正确否 英语翻译翻译合同中甲方为某人,合同上写了其归属的出版社,合同中规定著作权属于甲方,乙方享有署名权,甲方委托乙方翻译作品. :制作适当的统计图表示下面的信息( 1 )某奥运商品特许专卖店盘点了近两周的福娃娃(单位:个)销售情况 英语翻译特许经营已有一百多年的发展历史,它所取得的成功已为世人瞩目.近几年,特许经营在我国也有巨大发展.这一分销方式之所 英语翻译摘 要特许经营在世界范围内得到快速发展,这一成功的模式也被引人了我国.我国部分特许经营企业多年来发展速度较慢且规 英语翻译特许经营作为一种新兴而独特的经营方式,具有极大的市场渗透力,是一种较传统经营更为安全、迅速的市场拓展策略和21世 英语翻译租赁合同1甲方同意向乙方出租X 房,期限自X年X月X日至X年X月X日,月租金X元(人名币大写)2付租方式:(1) 英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产 英语翻译六、本合同第四条为乙方选择条款,乙方可以不填写.合同订立后,乙方不能交付本合同全款的,须向甲方缴纳不低于本合同交