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高二外研版英语周报第8期 总第3207期答案

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高二外研版英语周报第8期 总第3207期答案
高二外研版英语周报第8期 总第3207期答案
Book 7 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析
注; 还有一个第八期是综合技能强化训练(8)
1-5 CAACC 6-10 ACCAC
11-15 ACBCB 16-20 ACBCB
21-25 DACAC 26-30 BBDAD
31-35 ADCBA 36-40 DACAC
41-45 BDCBA 46-50 BDDAC
51-55 AACBD 56-60 BCCDB
61-65 CCADC 66-70 ACBAD
71-75 FBGAE
76. Because she was overweight / large.
77. She ate a healthy diet and did plenty of exercise.
78. When she was two.
79. The old Southern fried cooking in her family.
80. To inspire / encourage other overweight children.
81. ... request chance to be ... chance前加a
82. ... good in English ... in → at
83. ... difficulty communicate ... communicate → communicating
84. ... will be very gladly ... gladly → glad
85. ... in their own car. their → our
86. ... on last month ... 去掉on
87. ... have a great time. have → had
88. ... but the students ... but → so
89. ... to make friend ... friend → friends
90. Looked forward ... Looked → Looking / Look
One possible version:
There’s no doubt that spoken English is very important in our modern lives. However, many schools pay little attention to the students' ability to use English. Besides, many students find it hard to improve their spoken English due to lack of a good language environment.
Now let me tell you how I improve my spoken English. Firstly, I go to English Corner in our school every week to communicate with our foreign teachers. Secondly, I keep the habit of retelling whatever I have read in my own words, which is an effective way. Thirdly, I try my best to create English environment. For example, I imagine being interviewed by a foreigner or making a speech in front of a foreign audience. Then I just express myself in English.
21. D.bridge 特指正在建造中的那座桥,故其前用the;deadline 特指那座桥的竣工期限,故第二空用the.
22. A.由答语中的It was 3 a.m. this morning可知,应用一般过去时.
23. C.由答语中的No 可知,“我已经戒酒了”,故选quit (停止).
24. A.题意:在以前矗立着一座寺庙的地方现在是一个大停车场.where 在此引导地点状语从句.
25. C.由“又完成了一本书”可知,说话人想表达的是“他是如何将所有的事情都安排到他繁忙的日程(schedule)中的呢?”
26. B.题意:你一说话我就能判断出你来自中国的哪个部分.the moment 一……就…….27. B.题意:我最好现在就把琳达的新地址记下来,否则(otherwise)我会忘了的.
28. D.由but I was too tired 可知,“我本应该洗澡”,故用should.
29. A.由there are fallen leaves here and there可知,夜间起风暴了,故选arose(发生).
30. D.take advantage of 利用…….
31. A.由Not to worry! Keep practicing 可知,上句意为“我弹钢琴的技术一点儿都不好”.far from完全不.
32. D.it was the first time 后的从句中应用过去完成时.
33. C.devote 与句子主语Susan 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用Devoted.
34. B.由a collection of short stories 可知,应选come out (出版).
35. A.由I’ll go swimming 可知“钓鱼不是我喜欢的”,故选It isn't my cup of tea.
36. D.由下文内容可知,不能走路对Charlie而言并不是“问题(problem)”,因为他生活得很好.
37. A.由文末的Charlie was always so happy and cheerful可知.
38. C.由上文的Cheerful和joyful可知.
39. A.由第二段内容可知,人们都很“高兴(pleased)”见到Charlie.
40. C.由上文的Mr. Postman 可知,此处是说“送(deliver)”信.
41. B.由上文的Mr. Taxi Driver 可知,“停车(park)”符合此处语境.
42. D.43. C.44. B.
45. A.由solutions for everything 及人们的变化可知,Charlie 有很多不错的“想法(ideas)”,正是“因为(thanks to)”他的“分享(shared)”,人们工作做得棒,还“创造(invented)”出很多新东西.
46. B.Charlie“面临(faced)”着一个难题.
47. D.下文的I don't have many sweets ... it都是Waterworks 找的种种“ 理由(reason)”.
48. D.Waterworks 不得不去学校,但他不“喜欢(like)”去上学.
49. A.由crybaby 及下文的cheer him up 可知,所有的事情对Waterworks 而言都很“糟糕(bad)”.
50. C.由下文的He spent more time with Waterworks ... just as he did with everyone可知,Charlie想要“帮助(help)”Waterworks.
51. A.由下文的from a window above可知,有人从窗户往下“掉(dropped)”了一个馅饼.
52. A.馅饼“正好(right)”掉在Charlie 的头上.
53. C.由下文的The two boys were speechless可知.
54. B.Waterworks“想起(missed)”了Charlie的话.
55. D.经过这件事,Waterworks 最终“明白(understood)”了为什么Charlie 总是很快乐.
56. B.细节理解题.根据第二段中的The first Ferris wheel was built for the 1893 World’s Fair 及The people who planned the fair were looking for an attraction that would bring people to Chicago可知.
57. C.细节理解题.根据第三段中的At first everyone laughed at his strange idea 可知.
58. C.写作手法题.根据第四段中的Today a Ferris wheel ,But the first Ferris 及 today’s Ferris wheels,But that first one 可知,本段主要是比较第一个摩天轮与现在的摩天轮,故选C项.
59. D.推理判断题.根据最后一段中的 figured out how to make a smaller Ferris wheel that could easily be taken apart and put together. In 1906 he started the company that still makes many of the Ferris wheels used today可知.
60. B.细节理解题.根据Iron Horse Trail 部分中的This is the McNeil family’s favorite ride可知.
61. C.细节理解题.根据Centennial Trail 部分中的It also has picnic tables and washrooms for a convenient lunch-time stop可知.
62. C.写作目的题.本文主要介绍了一些家庭骑车的路线.故选C项.
63. A.写作手法题.作者在文章开头提出两个问题,是为了引出本文的主题——爵士乐的历史.
64. D.推理判断题.根据文中对Louis Armstrong 的介绍( one of the most influential artists in the history of music, perfected the improvised jazz solo)可知,阿姆斯特朗为爵士乐的发展做出了杰出的 贡献.
65. C.推理判断题.根据最后一部分内容可知,在20世纪50年代,爵士乐受到了其他文化的影响.
66. A.标题归纳题.本文主要介绍了爵士乐的历史.文章开头的Join us in learning more about the history of jazz是主题句.故选A项.
本文是新闻报道.加拿大一名15岁的高中生Ann Makosinski 设计了一款靠身体热量发电的手电筒,该设计从谷歌科学博览会上千款参赛作品中脱颖而出.
67. C.推理判断题.根据第四段中的Ann thanked her family for encouraging her interest in science, telling the judges that her first toy was a box of transistors 可知,Ann的成功在一定程度上归功于她的家人.
68. B.细节理解题.根据第六段可知,目睹废旧电池,加之朋友因为缺电而未通过考试的经历,使得Ann想发明一款不需要电 池的手电筒.
69. A.细节理解题.根据第七段中的do not use any batteries, harmful chemicals, or kinetic energy. They do not create any noise and will always work 可知,该款手电筒安全、无噪音、节能.
70. D.文章出处题.文章主要是关于科学发明的,故最有可能出现在“科技”版块.
1-5 ACBCD 6-10 CDABA
11-15 BADDC 16-20 ACDBB
1. Annoyed 2. after 3. But 4. the 5. how
6. it 7. would happen 8. to / into 9. badly 10. one
本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述了 George Stratford是如何一步步成为作家的.
1. A.由下文的But ... were always against him 可知,一开始,George 很“自信(confident)” 自己能找到工作.
2. C.countless applications 与his age and lack of formal qualifications were always against him为转折关系,故选C项.
3. B.由上文的his age and lack of formal qualifications were always against him 可知, George 一直找不到工作,因此他心里充满 “失望(disappointments)”.
4. C.由下文的one morning he woke with a start 可知,George“睡(sleeping)”在户外公园的长椅上.
5. D.由上文的At the age of 47 和his age 可知,此处是说他年龄太“大(old)”了.
6. C.“如果(if)”母亲看到他现在的状况将会怎么说.
7. D.由上文的surprised by the thought 可知,George“想了想(think)”.
8. A.由上文的He stopped feeling sorry for himself 可知,George“决定(determined)”先把自己安顿一下.
9. B.由下文的never completed 可知,他几年前“开始(started)”写的小说还没有写完.
10. A.由下文的get it published 可知,George 决定把小说写“完(finish)”.
11. B.由上文的becoming a novelist 可知,此处是说成为一位著名的“作家(author)”.
12. A.由下文的to study English 可知, George“进入(entered)”大学学习英语.
13. D.由下文的on the train fare to London可知,George“花(spent)”完了他最后的积蓄.
14. D.此处是说他“从事(take up)”一份工作.
15. C.由上文的at a top advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi可知.
16. A.17. C.由上文的despite 可知,虽然住的环境“差(uncomfortable)”,但他每天能 至少“写(wrote)”1000字的小说.
18. D.由上文多次提到的novel可知.
19. B.小说以南非的同志马拉松赛为“背景(background)”.
20. B.小说探讨的“主题(themes)”是:信心、 勇气、决心.
1. Annoyed.annoy 与the teacher 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填Annoyed.
2. after.stay after school 意为“放学后留下来”.
3. But.此句和上文之间是转折关系,故填But.
4. the.此处watch 指上文中提到过的那块表,故用the表特指.
5. how.how 引导宾语从句,且在从句中作方式状语.
6. it.指代上文的teapot,用it.
7. would happen.由waited to see 可知,应用过去将来时.
8. to / into.turn to / into变成.
9. badly.空缺处在句中作状语,故用副词 badly.
10. one.one 指代与上句中的a horseless carriage 同类的事物.
再问: 大哥,发错了
再问: 是book6
再问: 你在哪儿炒的
再答: 是book6的第几模块? 是不是综合技能强化训练(8)?
再问: 第4
再问: 单元
再问: 测验啊
再问: 在不!???