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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/02 12:31:51
再问: 蜜三刀是江苏徐州地区汉族传统风味小吃之一,起源于北宋徐州知府苏东坡。清朝乾隆皇帝三下江南路过徐州,吃过蜜三刀后龙颜大悦,,御笔手书“徐州一绝,钦定贡”至此蜜三刀就正式成为宫廷御点并加以改良,成为现在徐州特产八大样之首
再答: 英文里没有那么多小吃的分类,这样的糕点属于pastry。honey tri-cut pastry
再答: 所有中国传统小食只要按照分类,起中文同名就可以了。因为在英文里他们是不存在的。只有pancake,cupcake,pastry等区别。pastry分flaky pastry,danish pastry。cake名字也是每家店随便取,什么rainbow cupcake,kiss me cupcake,I'm a pink kinda girl cupcake。真心无所谓。trust me,我在美国十几年了
再问: 嗯嗯
再问: 好的,谢谢
再答: 不客气
再问: 我要做一个中国传统糕点的英文PPT,我不会翻译它的起源,你能帮我翻译刚才的那些话吗
再答: 你可以尝试自己先翻译一下,然后我帮你修改。
再问: 我感觉我翻译的就是汉式英语
再答: 你这是机器翻到哈哈
再答: Honey three knife is one traditional snack among han nationality culture. It originates from North Song Dynasty, XuZhou Dongpo Su's magistrate (Dongpo Su is one of the most famous litterateur and poet in Chinese history whom belongs to Song Dynasty), locate in Jiangsu province, China. The Qing Dynasty emperor QianLong was so pleased by the taste of this snack when he pass by xuzhou,he demands tribute of this xuzhou specialty snack and that's how honey three knife re-modified and formally became a contribution for the royal palace,now become one of the eight famous yet special snacks in xuzhoueight.
再答: 翻译成英文的时候不用咬文嚼字的翻译,把故事表达清楚,人物年代事件介绍清楚就行,中国历史复杂,老外会昏头的。故事说清楚了,他们就知道是古代皇上最爱的小吃,也是徐州八大名产之一,就可以了 :)
再答: 已通知提问者对您的回答进行评价,请稍等
再问: 嗯嗯,好的,谢谢亲,我会采纳的
再答: Honey three knife is one traditional snack among han nationality culture. It originates from North Song Dynasty, Dongpo Su's magistrate (Dongpo Su is one of the most famous litterateur and poet in Chinese history whom belongs to Song Dynasty), locate in XuZhou,Jiangsu province, China. The Qing Dynasty emperor QianLong was so pleased by the taste of this snack when he pass by xuzhou,he demands tribute of this xuzhou specialty and that's how honey three knife re-modified and formally became a contribution for the royal palace,now it has become one of the eight most famous and popular snacks in XuZhou.
再答: 用这个,这个修改过的,第一个草稿发错了
再问: 嗯嗯,好的,谢谢你
再问: 我想问,如果说哪的东西最著名应该怎么说