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a love story 英语作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 22:23:57
a love story 英语作文
我大二 根据这个写一篇英语作文Here are twopictures abut a couple of lovers whose names are Ovliver and Jenny.they love each other and live happily .Howerver,one day Jenny felt so weak that Oliver decided to send her to a hospital for a physical examination.Work in pairs to write a short play about what will happen to them with your rich imagination.明天早上就交了!
a love story 英语作文
What can you say about a 25-year-old girl who died?That she was beautiful and brilliant?That she loved Mozart and Bach?The Beatles?And me?- Do you have this book?- You have your own library.- Answer my question.- Answer mine first.We're allowed to use the Radcliffe library.I'm not talking legality,I'm talking ethics.Harvard's got five million books,Radcliffe a few thousand.I only want one.I've got an hour exam tomorrow,damn it!Please watch your profanity,preppy.Why do you think I went to prep school?- You look stupid and rich.- Actually,I'm smart and poor.No,I'm smart and poor.- Why are you so smart?- I won't have coffee with you.- I wouldn't ask you.- That's what makes you stupid.Comp.Lit.1 05.Not bad.Music 1 50.Not bad.Music 201,that's a graduate course.- Renaissance polyphony.- What's polyphony?Nothing sexual,preppy.I told you,my name is Oliver.- First or last?- First.- Oliver what?- Barrett.- Barrett like the poet?- Yeah,no relation.- Barrett like the hall?- Yes.I'm having coffee with a Harvard building.I'm not Barrett Hall.My great grandfather just gave it to Harvard.So his not-so-great grandson could get in?If you think I'm a loser,why did you bulldoze me into buying you coffee?I like your body.- I major in Social Studies.- It doesn't show.- It's an honours programme.- I know you've got a few brains.- Really?- You're hung up on me,aren't you?- Jenny?- Yeah?Listen,you Radcliffe bitch.There's a hockey game on Friday.- So?- I want you to come.Why would I go to a lousy hockey game?- Because I'm playing.- For which side?Two minutes for number seven.Holding.Penalty,Barrett,Harvard,Two minutes,Holding,Why are you here when your friends are playing?I'm in the penalty box.- What did you do?- I tried too hard.- Is that a big disgrace?- I'm trying to concentrate.- On what?- On how I'll total that bastard.Come on,Harvard,let's go!Are you a dirty player?Would you ever total me?- I will right now if you don't shut up.- I'm leaving.Goodbye.Barrett back in the game,Harvard have full strength,And a goal,Ackerman,Assist,Barrett,- Now I've seen a hockey game.- What did you like best?- When you were on your ass.- Thanks for coming.I didn't say you could kiss me.- I was carried away.- I wasn't.I may not call you for a few months,or I might call you when I get back to my room.- Bastard.- You can dish it out,but not take it.Read more by clicking or downloading this file: