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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 04:24:31
1.\x05For all values of Y,let Y☆be defined by Y☆=y平方-1,what is the value of (Y☆)☆?
2.fifty percent of the songs played on a certain radio station are 3 min long ,30% are 5 min long,and 20 percent are 2 min long .what is the average number of minutes per song played on?
3.if Y is inversely proportional to X and y =15 when x=5 what is the value of y when x =25?3
The painter launched the evanescence of beauty,even though she seemed in several of her works to have it as it paused and so it for posterity.
A.\x05seised---absolved B.arrested----preserved为什么选B不选A?
while the movie employs stock charasterizations,admirers argue that it is ---even if its depictions are---
A.soporific—abstruse B.intellectualism---formulaic为什吗选B不选A?
The speaker---frequntly,but these tangents were the most entertaining parts of the presentation.
A.\x05gestured B.digressed 为什吗选B不选A啊?
The mayor’s reelection by an overwhelming majority was not so much an endorsement of his administration’s -----as it was a ----of his opponents’s extreme views
A.program---vindication B.adversities----denunciation
C.methods----dissemination D.policies---repudication
No---the case exists:in reaching a decision ,the court is bound to break new legal ground.
A.authetication of B.demand for C.precedent for答案选C但是我觉得都了可以啊.
Max is regared as a ---of modern jazz drumming because he was one of the first artists to ---the melodic,rather than merely rhythmic possibilities of his instrument.
A.pioneer---mimic B.progenitor---exploit答案选A,可是貌似B也没错哦.
2.(3*0.5+ 5*0.3+ 2*0.2)/10=0.34
3.y与x成反比,y=a/x,y =15 when x=5说明a=75,所以y=75/25=3
evanescence的意思是那种消失,幻灭,可句子后面用了个even though,说明要填相反意思的词,那就是存留的,没有消失的.seise是依法占有的意思,但还有个抓住的意思,这个还能靠得上边,但absolved是无罪的,根本和它没关系,所以不选A.
这句话里的while指的是即使的意思,与当···时候无关,所以evenif 后面的depiction的形容与stock意思相同,A选项第一个词是催眠的,与题意无关,所以选B.即使这个电影有了陈旧的记述,人们反驳说还是偏向理智的虽然描写有点格式化.
再问: 谢谢哈,但是那个关于音乐那道题我不是很理解为神马用乘法。我想的是用3除以0.5……算出每首歌时间,再加起来除以3
再答: 相当于总体唱了x首。 (3*0.5x+ 5*0.3x+ 2*0.2x)/(3x+5x+2x),最后把x简化掉了 人家要求的是总体平均数,你理解的那个算法成了先算每部分的平均数,再来一次平均数。