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英语翻译简单翻译就好,不用复杂句式.说清楚没语病就成.hello everybody,it's time for my

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 10:26:28
hello everybody,it's time for my free talk.
说实话,我不知道我该在我的free talk 里说什么.因为我没有那些有意义但无聊地话题想对大家说.所以我最后决定,和大家说一件发生在我生活中没有意义但同样无聊的事情.
进了她家的房间,她说:“今天是我的生日.我举办了一个生日派对.Please give me two cheers.” 我感到很惊讶,难道她要请我参加吗?我应该怎么给她“two cheers”?难道要把我妈妈也叫过来对她说吗?她看我没有明白,接着说:“please give two cheers,and i'll take you home.”我还是不明白.她说:“这里有六个人,但我只有四个cheers.请给我两个.” 然后我明白过来她是要两把chairs.我感到非常的好笑,回家拿了两把椅子借给了她.
过了一个星期,我们都睡下了.门铃突然响了.然后我发现门外站着那个女模特.我看了看表,凌晨十二点四十.于是我说:“早上好,有什么事吗?”她说:“我想把椅子还给你.但我来了两次都没有人,没打扰们吧?”我说:“还好.”然后我站在门口看着她一把一把地把椅子搬过来.我几乎有些生气了,但我认为还是应该保持礼貌.所以当她道谢的时候,我说:“you’re welcome.it's a piece of cake.”她听后显得很不安,说道:“抱歉.蛋糕已经被我们吃完了.”……我几乎冻僵了.但我必须说点什么.我沉默了一会,说:“没关系.反正我们也吃过晚饭了.”
英语翻译简单翻译就好,不用复杂句式.说清楚没语病就成.hello everybody,it's time for my
Actually I don't know what to say for my free talk.I don't want to talk about those meaningless and boring subjects,so I just decided to talk about something happened in my life that is meaningless and boring.(你这句子真绕……)
It's like about half month ago,one day my family was eating dinner,the bell rang.I opened the door and saw my neighbor was standing outside.She is a Russian model always with weird perfume.I immediately smelt the scent of her perfume.She asked me"Do you speak English?" I said a little,then she said "Please come with me." And I did.
After entering her house,she told me that day was her birthday and he had a birthday party and asked me to give her to 'cheers'.I was kind of surprised,'Is she inviting me to her party?How can I give her two cheers?Should I call my mom over to say to her?’She saw I was confused,kept on saying 'Pleas give me two cheers,and i'll take you home.' I still didn't understand,she said 'we have 6 people here but only 4 chairs.' Then i realized she wanted 'chairs'.That was funny to me,and I went home and give her two chairs.
After about a week,my family was all fall asleep.The bell suddenly rang,I open the door and saw the Russian model standing outside.It was almost 1 o'clock in the morning.I said 'good morning,can i help you?' she said 'I want to give the chairs back to you,but i came twice and no one answered the door.Did i bother you this late?'I said 'it's ok' I standing at the door and looking at her bring the chairs in,I was kinda pissed off.But I knew I should be polite,so when she said thank,I said 'youre welcome,it's a piece of cake' But she looked a little agitated,'there is no more cake left...' I felt kinda awkward,but I had to say something.After a few seconds of silence,i said 'it's ok,we already had dinner.'