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What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/19 14:28:12
What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the word?(这里的mean为什么这样用)
There will be a friend coming here to see me tomorrow?(为什么是comeing,will后面不是原型吗)
There were a large number of people collecting garbage.(为什么用ing)
I didn't hear the phone.I must be out.(为什么不用must have gone)
The hat which he is wearing is black.(可不可以用that,为什么)
He is the boy that bought a bike here.(为什么不用whom)
The man whom/who/that you saw just now is my English teacher.(为什么可以用whom/who/that 晕死)
I‘d like to talk with the man sitting next to me.(为什么ing?)
What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the
1、What do you mean by “日本”in English?What's the meaning of the word?(这里的mean为什么这样用)
mean作为动词在这个句子里面,句子结构类似于what do you do ……
2、There will be a friend coming here to see me tomorrow?(为什么是comeing,will后面不是原型吗)
3、There were a large number of people collecting garbage.(为什么用ing)
4、I didn't hear the phone.I must be out.(为什么不用must have gone)
前面一句是过去式的:did not hear the phone
第二个句子就不能使用现在完成时have done sth,现在完成时的动作是指这个动作对现在这个时刻还存在影响.但是上句是过去式,下句的动词就不可能修饰到现在这个状态.
另外,be out在这个句子里是说过去的一种状态,而go这个词偏重说动作.did not hear the phone的时候人在外面(be out)远比走了(go)好一些.
5、The hat which he is wearing is black.(可不可以用that,为什么)
可以啊.which 和that 都可以引导从句哦.只有介词提前的状况只能用which,剩下的情况which 和that 通用.
例子:he just bought a hat on which there was a beatiful logo.这个句子中which前面有on这个介词,which就不能和that通用.只能是which.
6、He is the boy that bought a bike here.(为什么不用whom)
这个句子不是很书面话,最书面的形式:he is the boy who bought a bike here.
如果boy做宾语,则可以用whom引导从句.比如:he is the boy to whom the president give a notebook.这里的从句说的是the president give a notebook to the boy.boy这从句中作为宾语,所以用whom.不过其实现在国际上who和whom已经有通用的趋势了.但书面形式还是要分清楚.
7、The man whom/who/that you saw just now is my English teacher.(为什么可以用whom/who/that 啊,晕死)
从句的内容是 you saw the man just now.the man在从句中作为宾语哦,所以whom最好.
8、I‘d like to talk with the man sitting next to me.(为什么ing?)