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英语翻译Access to Institutions and Public Goods.Investments made

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 13:16:12
Access to Institutions and Public Goods.Investments made by government or other public institutions - such as public spending for specialized infrastructure or educational programs-can enhance a company's productivity.The ability to recruit employees trained at local programs,for example,lowers the cost of internal training.Other quasi-public goods,such as the cluster's information and technology pools and its reputation,arise as natural by-products of competition.
It is not just governments that create public goods that enhance productivity in the private sector.Investments by companies-in training programs,infrastructure,quality centers,testing laboratories,and so on - also contribute to increased productivity.Such private investments are often made collectively because cluster participants recognize the potential for collective benefits.
Better Motivation and Measurement.Local rivalry is highly motivating.Peer pressure amplifies competitive pressure within a cluster,even among noncompeting or indirectly competing companies.Pride and the desire to look good in the local community spur executives to attempt to outdo one another.
Clusters also often make it easier to measure and compare performances because local rivals share general circumstances-for example,labor costs and local market access -and they perform similar activities.Companies within clusters typically have intimate knowledge of their suppliers' costs.Managers are able to compare costs and employees' performance with other local companies.Additionally,financial institutions can accumulate knowledge about the cluster that can be used to monitor performance.
Clusters and Innovation.In addition to enhancing productivity,clusters play a vital role in a company's ongoing ability to innovate.Some of the same characteristics that enhance current productivity have an even more dramatic effect on innovation and productivity growth.
Because sophisticated buyers are often part of a cluster,companies inside clusters usually have a better window on the market than isolated competitors do.Computer companies based in Silicon Valley and Austin,Texas,for example,plug into customer needs and trends with a speed difficult to match by companies located elsewhere.The ongoing relationships with other entities within the cluster also help companies to learn early about evolving technology,component and machinery availability,service and marketing concepts,and so on.Such learning is facilitated by the ease of making site visits and frequent face-to-face contact
英语翻译Access to Institutions and Public Goods.Investments made
对机构和公众的货物存取.投资藉着政府制造了或者其他的公众机构 - 像是公众的开支对于特殊化的系统内各部分或者教育的计画-能提高一个公司的生产力.恢复职员的能力在当地的计画训练了,举例来说,降低内在训练的费用.其他的类似-公众的货物,如此的如群的数据和技术池和它的名誉,出现当做竞争的天然副产物.
它不只是产生在私人的部门中提高生产力的公众的货物的政府.公司的投资-在训练计划,系统内各部分,质量中心中,尝试实验室,和如此在 -之上也成为增加的生产力的因素.因为群叁加者为集体的利益认识潜能,所以如此私人的投资时常集体地被做.
时常也聚集使测量而且比较表现是比较容易的因为当地的对手部份一般的环境-举例来说,人工成本和当地的市场通路 -和他们运行相似的活动.群里面的公司典型地有他们供应者的费用的秘密的知识.经理能够把费用和职员的表现与其他的当地公司作比较.另外地,财务的机构能累积对能用来检测表现的群了解.
因为复杂的买主时常是群的部份,比较隔离的竞争者做,公司在群内通常在市场上有一扇较好的窗户.计算机公司举例来说建立了在矽谷和奥斯汀,德克萨斯 进入困难藉着被位于其他地方的公司相配的和速度的客户需要和趋势之内的塞子.和群里面的其他的实体继续的关系也帮助公司早学习进化的技术,成份和机器有效,服务和行销观念,等等.如此的学问被位置拜访的安逸和时常发生的面对面的连络促进