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英语翻译Love does not hurt.Physical and/or emotional abuse are n

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 08:49:55
Love does not hurt.Physical and/or emotional abuse are not a part of love.
Love is not manipulative,it should not be used to get others to do what you want.You should never give in to demands based on the,"You would do it if you loved me!" tactic.
Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person.It can take many different forms (romantic,friendly,familial) but it is always about caring.
Although it is true that a big part of love is putting another person's happiness ahead of your own this never includes compromising your values or being untrue to yourself.
If somebody asks you to do something that you don't want to do in order to "prove" your love they do not love you the way you might think they do.When you love another person you don't ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of that love.
It is very easy to confuse lust for love.The true measure of romantic love is commitment and trust not physical attraction.
It is possible to feel romantic love for more than one person at a given time.Just think,if it is possible for you to love both of your parents at the same time why would it be impossible to feel romantic love for two people at once?Don't beat yourself up emotionally if you find yourself in this unhappy situation.But be sure to remain single and be open and honest with all parties about your feelings and confusion.
Sex is NOT love.Love is NOT sex.Sex can be a part of romantic love but it is never mandatory.
Romantic love can (and often does) fade.When it goes there is not always a reason.When somebody falls out of love with you it does not reflect upon your value as a person or your desirability.
Love should make you feel happy,secure and appreciated.
英语翻译Love does not hurt.Physical and/or emotional abuse are n
爱不伤害. 身体而情绪的虐待不是一个爱的部份.
爱不是用手处理,它不应该用来拿其他做你想要的. 你应该不再屈服于以要求为基础的那,"如果你爱我,你会做它 !" 战略.
爱是照顾另外的一个人的强烈感觉. 它能拿许多不同的表格 (浪漫、友好、以及家庭的) ,但是它总是有关关心.
如果某人要求做某事你不想要在对他们不爱你方式的 " 证明 " 你的爱的次序做,你可能认为他们做的你. 当你爱你不要求他们在那爱的名字中牺牲一个他们自己的部份的另外的一个人的时候.
为爱使贪欲困惑非常容易. 对浪漫的爱真实衡量是承诺而且信赖不身体的吸引.
可能的是,在给定的时间为超过一个人感觉浪漫的爱. 仅仅想, 如果你同时爱你的两个父母是可能的为什么会不可能的是,立刻感觉二个人的浪漫的爱? 不要打你自己增加在情绪上如果你找你自己在这种不快乐的情形中.但是确定保持单一而且对关于你的感觉和混乱的所有的宴会感到开着和诚实.
性别不是爱. 爱不是性别. 性别可能是一个浪漫爱的部份,但是它从不是强制性的.
浪漫的爱罐子 (而且时常做) 褪色. 当它总是去那里不的时候是一个理由. 当某人爱和你争吵它的时候不思索作为一个人或你的愿望的你价值.
爱应该使你感觉很快乐, 保护而且感激.