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四处奔波 用英语表达四处奔波英语表达方式

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 23:35:04
四处奔波 用英语表达
四处奔波 用英语表达四处奔波英语表达方式
At the same time, Yahoo is trouble everywhere.
2. 她为一家国际旅行社四处奔波.
She gets around quite a lot, working for an international travel agency.
3. 自懂得如何造梦之日起,我就一直为我的梦而四处奔波.
Since I know how to dreaming, I have struggled for it many years.
4. 在我读大二的时候,我曾为能找到一个容身之所而四处奔波.
During my second year of college, I was looking around for a place to live .
5. “派我这样的老太婆到城里四处奔波,对我的健康实在不好.
"Sending an old woman like me to run around town isn't good for my health.
6. 阿披实先生坐在防弹奔驰车里四处奔波,但他很少离开首都.
Mr Abhisit travels in a bulletproof Mercedes that rarely leaves the capital.
7. 做为一个流行歌手,由于有太多的签约而四处奔波,生活是辛苦的.
Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling owing to heavy schedules .
8. 郑太顺小时候家境贫寒,居无定所,跟着做建筑工的父亲四处奔波.
Stat Build: This builds points are mostly distributed in Psyche but has some points in intelligence too.
9. 在信贷紧缩已成定局的形势下,他们为找工作四处奔波,面临困境.
In the credit crunch is a foregone conclusion the situation, they go around looking for a job, facing difficulties.
10. 萧峰劝村民组织起来对抗倭寇,并为其相织四处奔波,寻找奇才能士.
He tried to help them out and planned to organize them to fight against the enemy.
11. 原译:他不停地四处奔波,和选民握手问候,以期争取更多选民的支持.
Traveling from one place to another, he pressed the flesh in order to win over the voters.
12. 我的报酬呢,博根?为了你的那点小抢劫我冒着生命危险四处奔波可有点累.
Where is my reward, Borgen? I'm getting a little sick of the run around after risking life and limb for your petty robbery.
13. 四处奔波时,我会感觉饿,可我没有去吃一些真正的食物,而是吃“假”食物.”
I'd get hungry when I was running around, and instead of getting some real food to eat, I'd get fake food.
14. 马贵珍怀上李星后,她的母亲开始四处奔波,为这个即将添丁的家庭找到一处住所.
Ma Guizhen cherishes on Li Xinghou, her mother starts to rush about in all directions, soon had a baby the family for this to find a residence.
15. 为送子女去合适的学校,为使家人得到合适的医疗保健,她们不惜四处奔波费尽口舌.
They walk and talk the extra mile to get their children in the right schools and for getting their family the right healthcare.
16. 流浪狗应该为了生计而四处奔波劳苦,应该为了食物而于敌人厮杀,但是小白却怡然自得.
If you give the tracking information, it will have your supplier’s address information on it.What will you do if you are using a blind drop shipper for the order?
17. 对购房者来说,自己不必再四处奔波找楼看楼,“跑单小姐”完全能为客户买房办妥一切手续.
For property buyers, find themselves no longer run, Kanlou everywhere, "Miss run single" fully sold to customers to complete all the necessary procedures.
18. 现在,人们不必再为了各种不同的证明而四处奔波,人们要结婚,只需做一点点事情就完事了.
Now people do not have to go to several places for various official documents just to get one thing done.
19. 在此期间,他尽量抽出时间去四处奔波,但是机会很少.而且,他已不再具有初来纽约时的那种感人的气质.
During the last three months of the Warren Street connection, Hurstwood took parts of days off and hunted, tracking the business advertisements.
20. 但是跟着谢导的这八个月,我喜欢上了表演,喜欢上了和摄制组一起四处奔波,那种像吉卜赛人一样的生活.
But with Xie Dao these eight months, I was liking the performance, liked and the motion picture team rushes about in all directions together, that kind of elephant Bohemian's same life.
21. 可怜的喜八带著两个稚子为寻找工作四处奔波,几近走投无路,幸得昔日好友之帮助,终于找到工作,得以糊口.
Kihachi is struggling with his two young songs as he tries his best to seek work.
22. 孩子们所花费的钱可能会超出你能承担的力范围.你将不的不四处奔波去赚钱,因此对于难以预料的困境要做好准备.
Children could cost you more than you can afford. You will have to do a lot of running around, so be prepared to fall short of your expectations.
23. 中国早已准备一揽子好处去迎合这帮非洲兄弟的需要,而此时此刻,美国正四处奔波忙着反恐,其国际地位也开始下滑.
And China has already begun, in myriad ways, to serve the interests of these emerging clients, while the United States, preoccupied with terrorism, has seen its dominant status slip.
24. 有的人雄心万丈,梦想成功后的鲜花和掌声;有的人忙忙碌碌,为生计为名利四处奔波;有的人玩世不恭,终其一生碌碌无为;
Life to us, is more than leisurely after tasting those good old days, it is the longing with confidence towards bright future.
25. 这些工作要求员工每周投入60多个小时的时间,还¾¬常要四处奔波,日程安排十分紧密,而且还要24小时都能让顾客找得到.
These are jobs that require more than 60 hours a week of work, often involve extensive travel, tight deadlines and round-the-clock availability to clients.
26. 毕业后萍萍四处奔波但都没有找到合适的单位,于是只能与他一起创办中心,乃至今天的公司,直到送他而去的今天,她的泪水又雨雨下.
" After graduation, Ping-Ping go around, but did not find a suitable unit, so can only be set up with him, and even today the company until today to send him away, her tears and the next Yu Yu.
27. 如此一来,受限于时间、资金等因素不能拥有自己展位的部分品牌也可以通过销售会的形式参与亚洲户外用品展,免去了经销商四处奔波之苦.
So brands who are far from Asia Outdoor constrained by schedule or money can share the treasure of great number of visitors.
28. 二、推荐楼盘:提供推荐写字楼服务,从郑州数千家房源中为您挑选适合写字楼或符合您条件的写字楼, 避免您四处奔波,节省您的时间和精力.
Warhammer Powerleveling is looked down upon by many of our players for they take for granted that the concept of power leveling is in accordance of the play company’s saying.
29. 他们不停地四处奔波,横冲直闯,一直在绕圈子……」他又说:「真不值得费那么大的劲……」我们所找到的这口井,不像是在撒哈拉沙漠里应有的水井.
Then they rush about, and get excited, and turn round and round." And he added: "It is not worth the trouble." The well that we had come to was not like the wells of the Sahara.
30. 他或许会成为球队的首发控球后卫,但是,如果火箭高层认定了阿尔斯通就是球队控卫上的先发或替补的最佳人选,那么为何还要四处奔波,最后将弗老大、詹姆斯以及布鲁克斯弄到休斯敦?
He may have been the starting point guard, but if they thought he was the answer as a starter or backup, why would they go out and get Francis, James and Brooks.