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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 09:30:17
Loisel was replaced by former football player and now coach Bruno Bini. Bini had been in charge of several France female international youth sides before accepting the role and was tasked with the job of qualifying for UEFA Women's Euro 2009. Due to the success of the Clairefontaine project and the surprising emergence of the French women's first division, Division 1 Féminine, Bini inherited a team full of emerging, young, and influential talent, which included the likes of Camille Abily, Sonia Bompastor, Louisa Necib, élise Bussaglia, Laura Georges, and Corine Franco. Bini was also provided with leadership from captain Sandrine Soubeyrand. Early results under Bini were extremely positive with France finishing first in their Euro qualifying group only conceded two goals. France also performed well in friendly tournaments, such as the Nordic Cup and Cyprus Cup. At UEFA Women's Euro 2009, France were inserted into the group of death, which consisted of themselves, world powerhouse Germany, no. 7 ranked Norway, and an underrated Iceland. France finished the group with 4 points, alongside Norway, with Germany leading the group. As a result of the competition's rules, all three nations qualified for the quarterfinals. In the knockout rounds, France suffered defeat to the Netherlands losing 5–4 on penalties after no goals were scored in regular time and extra time.
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  Loisel 为前足球运动员现担任教练的布鲁诺·比尼所替换.在接受这个任务之前,比尼曾负责好几个法国国际女青年足球队,且被派使女足在09年的欧锦赛中过关.鉴于Clairefontaine规划的成功,以及其在法女足第一级,即女子组1非常时刻的卓越表现,比尼接手了一支充满活力、朝气与有影响力的天才所组成的队伍,其中包括像Camille Abily, Sonia Bompastor, Louisa Necib, élise Bussaglia, Laura Georges和 Corine Franco等类型的人.比尼同样还队长Sandrine Soubeyrand那儿获得了领导地位.在比尼的带领下,前期结果尤其乐观,法女足只输掉两球且因此在小组赛中名列第一.法国同样在联谊赛,比如北欧杯和塞浦路斯杯中取得佳绩.  在09年的女足欧锦赛中,法国进入死亡组之列,其中涵盖世界强队德国,排名第七的挪威和被低估的冰岛.法国队战得四分,与挪威队并列,德国队则遥遥领先.作为比赛规则的结果,这三国都有资格参加半决赛.在淘汰性的比赛回合中,法国败北,连输荷兰五球,其中四球是因法国在规定的额外罚球时间内无进球而丧失的.
1.报错:“full of emerging”有问题,原文是否应为full of energy?
因为emerging为形容词(adj.),而of 为介词,介词后跟宾格,宾格又通常为名词(n.)或者代词(pron..)以及相当于名词的其它词类、短语或从句所担当,因此,本人怀疑原文“emerging”应为“energy”
4.令我很纠结的翻译:and was tasked with the job of qualifying for UEFA Women's Euro 2009(主要是前面的“ was tasked with the job of qualifying for ”,希望路过的能有提供比我更好的翻译)
5、差点译错的句子:Loisel was replaced by former football player and now coach Bruno Bini.我本来是这么翻译的:“Loisel 为前足球运动员所替换,现担任 Bruno Bini的教练.”后来意识到错了,就改过来了.