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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 10:28:09
Environmental pollution has become an increasingly serious problem,as the regional economy grew fast in recent years.Pollution prevention,environmental protection,and the balance of the eco-system have become an important aspect of social development and a duty of every citizen.
The following is a report of a field survey:
The sources of pollution are as follows,1,feces discharged from public washroom emit an unbearable naucious odor; 2、water discharged from factories is black and odorous,covered with floating waste 3、air emission from factories smells pungent and spreads to every corner,4、air emission from fertilizer factories contains dust,lead,and coal ash,and other particles harmful to health 5、grasslands and lawns in parks are covered with litters which are unhygenic and unsightly.
Polluting agents are:water effluse,air emission,feces,rotten meat,plastic bags,disposible chopsticks,and garbage.
Polluting agents are harmful to the environment and living things.They contaminate the air and hurt people's lungs.Everyday waste and garbage become a breeding ground of germs which are serious health hazards.Polluted water will contaminate water supply and threat human bodies.
After reading all of these,are you worried about the environment?Yes,environment is an intimate part of our daily life.Environment protection should start from everyone of us,right now.You can help by doing the following; do not spit,don't litter,refuse to use disposible chopsticks; put away used batteries and plastic bags; plant trees; don't step on lawns; don't pollute water sources.Environment protection is our inexcusible responsibility.
英语翻译近年来,随着地区经济的迅猛发展,环境污染问题也越来越严重,防止环境污染,保护环境,维持生态平衡,已成为社会发展的 英语翻译随着社会的发展,环境污染越来越严重,生态的破坏以及国际交流的频繁,传染病又成了我们必须面对的严肃问题.对传染病发 英语翻译近年来,随着城市化进程的加快以及私家车数量的迅猛增长,交通拥堵已成为影响现代城市发展的主要问题之一.为了彻底解决 英语翻译随着水体富营养化的加重,污水的生物脱氮除磷技术越来越受到广泛的关注,成为减少环境污染,促进生态平衡的重要途径.脱 英语翻译随着社会的进步及人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活质量和环境污染的问题也越来越重视.城市路灯照明已经成为展示城市 英语翻译随着经济的飞速发展和人口的急剧增加,环境污染尤其是水污染已成为世界各国面临的主要问题之一.我国水污染化学研究始于 英语翻译近年来,随着能源危机、环境污染等问题的日益严重.世界各国在发电和供热方面开始使用更为节能环保的热电联产技术.本文 英语翻译随着经济的发展,环境污染也愈加严重,为了保证江苏省经济社会的绿色发展,分析预测江苏未来的能源消费量显得很至关重要 英语翻译随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网络隐私权的保护问题已成为人们关注的一个焦点.在我国加强网络隐私权的保护已成为当务之急. 英语翻译近年来,随着经济的飞速发展,环境的污染日趋严重,企业社会责任在世界范围内越来越受关注,它已成为在学术界引起广泛关 英语翻译随着市场经济的进一步发展,中小企业越来越成为市场中不可忽视的力量,但与此同时,也存在着严重的问题.其中,特别是中 英语翻译近年来电子商务市场在我国发展迅猛,物流的配送问题也越来越明显,很多企业都意识到物流的重要性,国内很多的物流企业如