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英语翻译In 1961 ttuffman (31) discussed high-levelgrain feeding

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:22:42
In 1961 ttuffman (31) discussed high-level
grain feeding for dairy cows in a symposium
before this group.This paper will,therefore,
be directed primarily toward developments
which have arisen during the oast three years.
Excellent reviews on the subject have been
presented by Huffman (32),Lassiter and Brown
(37),and by Loosli (40).As might be expected,
a large amount of popular literature
on high-grain feeding has appeared,most of
it favorable (for example,36,57); however,
one article by Scholl (55) raised serious questions
about the practice.Some confusion appears
to exist as to the distinction between
high-level feeding,as such,and the provision
of a diet which contains a relatively high proportion
of concentrated feeds.Fortunately,
the bovine is able to tolerate wide variations
in level of nutrient intake and in proportions
of dietary constituents.It will be a purpose
of this review to examine the possible effects
of some of the extremes in both types of highlevel
feeding of concentrates.
Effect of heavy concentrate feeding on milk
production and composition.I-Iuffman's review
(31) indicated that a summary of available
literature left little doubt that high-grain feeding
resulted in an increase in milk production.
It was pointed out that cows of high potential
for production ahnost always will respond.
Ability and individuality of animals appears to
be of considerable importance,as pointed out
earlier by Bloom et al.(9).A number of reports
have indicated that significant increases
in milk production resulted when amounts of
concentrates fed were elevated (4,7,13,17-20,
44).Most of the increased production was
accounted for by the greater energy content of
the diet,or by the simple fact that more total
energy was fed.In support of this concept,
Elliot and Loosli (23) fed diets in which the
level of estimated net energy (ENE) intake
above maintenance was held constant.Production
of fat-corrected milk (FCM) was not different
on diets containing 40,60,or 80% of the
ENE iu the form of concentrates.
A number of relatively recent studies have
indicated that high-concentrate feeding resulted
in increased milk production,whereas other
research has indicated no advantage in that
respect.Murdock and ttodgson (45) reported
that about 5 lb of increased milk production
Presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the
American Dairy Science Association,University
of Arizona,Tucson,June,1964.
英语翻译In 1961 ttuffman (31) discussed high-levelgrain feeding
霍夫曼(32),拉赛特和布朗(37)以及Loosli鲁斯利(40)曾对这个主题给予过高度的评价.正如所料,出现了大量关于精饲料喂养的文献著作,其中大多数都对这个课题持积极肯定的态度(如,36,57);然而,肖乐(55)在一篇文章中对这个课题的实践提出了几个严峻/严肃的问题.就其本身而言,在精饲料喂养中存在几个概念模糊的定义,饲料的供给中包括了比例相对较高的浓缩精饲料.所幸,牛可以适应营养摄入和规定饮食的成分的大幅度波动变化.这篇评论的目的是检验在高精度饲料和浓缩精饲料两种饲料中的一些极端可能产生影响的因素.高度浓缩精饲料对牛奶的生产和结构成分的影响.I-Iuffman的评论(31)指出,现有的所有资料的总结中很少质疑高精度饲料导致的牛奶产量大增.评论指出,高产奶牛几乎一直被认为是牛奶产量增加的原因.Bloom et al.(9在前面指出过,动物的能力和个体差异似乎有不可忽视的重要性.很多报告指出,当浓缩饲料的使用增加时,会导致牛奶产量的增长(4,7,13,17-20,44).大多数增加的产量被解释为饲料中富含更高更好的能量或者是简单地说是更牛喂的总能量比之前多了.为了支持这个概念,埃利奥特和Loosli (鲁斯利)(23)用超出正常量的估计净能(ENE)摄取量来喂养牛.在浓缩饲料中的ENE在饲料中含量为40,60或80%时,乳脂率/牛奶产量没有变化.许多最近相关的研究表明,高浓缩饲料喂养导致牛奶产量增加,然而,许多其他的调查表明,事实并不是如此/这种喂养并不会提高产量.默多克和ttodgson(应该是你又写错了人名了)(45)的报告指出,增加的牛奶产量中的大约5 计量单位磅吗?)【戛然而止了,没有结束吧?】在第59届美国年度乳品科学协会会议,亚利桑那大学,图森,1964年6月.