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帮忙找一篇英语范文 主题是make a living 谋生!

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帮忙找一篇英语范文 主题是make a living 谋生!
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帮忙找一篇英语范文 主题是make a living 谋生!
Over the last few years many people have approached me about the decision to pursue what they love as a full-time career,and all the fears and questions associated with this.It has become such a powerful subject for me that I have put together a short guide of ten things that are invaluable for those people who have a passion and a want for more in their life.Courage is more than half the battle!Why make the break from a regular income,free benefits,job security?Because our lives are too rich and we are too powerful to have anything less than we truly deserve...
...to do what we love everyday.
...to become our most authentic powerful selves.
...to share our passion with the rest of the world.
...to live up to the spirit in us.(and not squelch it!)
"Every day the choice is presented to us,to live up to the spirit that is in us,or deny it." - Henry Miller
1 Believe that you can!
The most important quality you can possess!If you follow one piece of advice on you path let it be this one.Replace,"What if I'm not cut out for this?" with an affirmative,"YES I CAN!" Most successful people have this quality naturally ingrained in them.Get can't out of your vocabulary.Stay away from people who tell you,"You can't make a living at it.",(there will be many.) Use the mantra:There are always people out there in need of my services!Say it with feeling.
2 Research
Find someone who is already making a living doing what you want to do.Connect with them,read about them,make them into a model for your career and you life.Call them up,most successful people are happy to talk to those starting out on the same path.Read any book you can on the subject of "Triumph over Adversity",it will help you get through those days when you question your choices.Create a support network of people in your field,try to meet with them regularly,it helps to make you feel normal.
3 Pretend...you already are what you want to be.
...and you will become it!No one starts off in any field feeling confident and full of power.It will take time to build and grow,and sometimes it feels like you are not moving at all.There will be times when you feel like you're faking,(what if someone figures me out?),it's o.k.no one will know but you.
4 Ignore...
...those who tell you it can't be done.
...those who tried & gave up (they are bitter and probably never believed that they could.)
...those who think you're nuts to throw away a regular income...(many of them may be family members.)
Almost everyone wants to do what they love for a living but we believe we can't afford it,or that we have too many responsibilities.Scared people will usually impose their own fears onto you.Let them know how happy your work makes you.You may lose friends along the way who don't understand what you're trying to do,let go of them,you are constantly changing.Surround yourself with people who support what you do and your new choices.
5 Prioritize
Make your work a priority.Your work and your life are not separate entities.You need to have energy to build a career.We have been taught to think that we must maintain a certain "lifestyle" by working full time.Let go of this belief,consider some alternatives.You will probably have to work in the beginning to subsidize you income,try to keep it part time or contract work.Scale down your living expenses,(do you really need two bedrooms?Can you relocate?Become frugal?) There are always ways to cut back.ASK FOR HELP when you need it!There is someone out there right now who can help you.
6 Ask for what you want...
Write it down,be specific.Figuring out exactly what you want will help you FOCUS on where you need to go and allow you to make steps in that direction.The point here is to create INTENT in your life so that your dreams can manifest in the physical world.Creating an "unlimited" business plan,(on that expresses all your wildest dreams),is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself and your career.Start with a personal philosophy and mission statement.Create a list with two columns.The first will be Objectives,(e.g.create an identity within my industry).The second will be Actions,ways to manifest the objectives,(e.g.create a presence on the internet,write for industry magazines,etc.) What are your deepest dreams?Take them seriously,they will lead you to what you really want.
When you make a commitment to the goal the money will appear,but you must be truly committed!
7 Feel the fear and do it anyway
...the title of a great book!I've talked to many people who have worked doing what they love for years.THEY STILL HAVE FEAR!They just work with it.It amazed me to find out that success sometimes brings more fear,fear of living up to our name and reputation.Pressure to equal our past successes.So if the fear is always there,you might as well learn to manage it,instead of trying to get rid of it.
8 Reinvent yourself ...you are not defined by the current situation.
This means at any given time we can start fresh.After failures (I prefer to call them lessons),get back on you feet and start again.Writers will be rejected,illustrators will send out work they hate,freelancers will have dry periods,and designers will have quotes rejected.There is always an ebb and flow to success,money,fame,and creative energy.DUST YOURSELF OFF
The circumstances will never be perfect for you to begin.You will never have enough money saved to start.Your portfolio will never be ready,you may never have the perfect space/studio/equipment.You will not have the time if you don't make it now.These are self limiting beliefs created by our inner critic to make us stop.Don't make a big production out of it.Use what you've got!Hemingway wrote on napkins,Keith Haring painted subway stations,Charles and Ray Eames designed & made chairs in a tiny bedroom,a famous furniture maker carved with sharpened screwdrivers,Maud Lewis (a folk artist) painted with discarded boat paint,the stories are endless.You have everything right now in your possession to start moving forward towards your goals.There is some small step you can take in the direction of your dream,when you do the universe often takes several more.
10 Let go...
Don't worry about your talent or capability...it is not yours to judge.It will grow and change over time.Do not ask "why am I doing this?Is it the right thing?" It is enough to know that you want to.Just do it because you want to.It will become something on it's own.Freaking out about what you "should" be doing does not move you forward,it only serves to stress you on what should be an enjoyable part of your journey.ENJOY THE PROCESS.Starting can be the most overwhelming part but it is also exciting and full of possibilities.Change can be intimidating,unfamiliar,terrifying,self-doubt inducing,down right uncomfortable.But our lives are too rich and we are too powerful to have anything less than what we truly deserve...to do what we love everyday,to become our most authentic powerful selves,to share our passion with the rest of the world,and to live up to the spirit that is in us,(and not squelch it!)...