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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:33:00
要提高英语课堂的效率,作为教师应该勤于引导学生复习,尤其是复习上一节课或是昨天学过的知识点或单词.如,在学习新课后,除了必要的识记和听写外,在平时的口语练习和笔头练习中,在涉及到新学的单词、词组或以前学过但是学生们不是很熟悉的单词和词组时,作为教师要及时的对学生进行提问,对于答不上来的学生,一定要记得过一会儿再提问,从而使其能够记住而且要记牢.在教学九年级UNIT 8 I’ll help up the city parks.时,由于这单元的词组比较多,学生们学起来很容易混淆,于是在学习新课以及做练习时,我便随时提问学生们尤其是对这些词组掌握不是很熟悉的学生,如:give out,give up,give away;hand out ,hand in;put on,put up,put off,put out;take after,be similar to;look after,take care of,care for.
To improve the efficiency of the English classroom, teachers should be as diligent in guiding students to review, especially in a lesson or review on the knowledge learned yesterday that point or word. For example, in learning new courses, in addition to the necessary memorizing and dictation, but the usual practice in oral and written exercises, in relation to the new science of words, phrases, or previously learned, but students are not very familiar words and phrases when, as a teacher to prompt the students to ask questions, not answer for the students, we must remember a moment and then ask questions, so that it can remember and to remember the simplicity. Teaching ninth-grade UNIT 8 I'll help up the city parks., Because this phrase more units, students learn it is easy to confuse, so learning courses and do the exercises, I feel free to ask the students, especially is not very familiar with these phrases to master's students, such as: give out, give up, give away; hand out, hand in; put on, put up, put off, put out; take after, be similar to; look after, take care of, care for.