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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 04:42:56
中国泥人博物馆位于无锡惠山古镇,距离无锡市区中心1.4 公里.建造在原无锡市惠山泥人厂的旧址之上,建筑面积12000平方米,展陈面积8000平方米.建筑形制由日本著名建筑师隈研吾设计,空中鸟瞰如同一个字母U.整个博物馆建筑保持了江南水乡传统建筑造型特色.博物馆内由大厅、序厅、中国泥塑历史渊源厅、中国各泥人流派厅、无锡惠山泥人厅、名家名作鉴赏厅等空间组成并收藏了来自北京、天津、河北、陕西、山西等13个国内泥人之乡各个时期最具代表性的精品泥人.游客们可以近距离的欣赏感受大师们的艺术作品和精湛技艺.

China Clay Figurine Museum is located in Wuxi Huishan Ancient Town 1.4 kilometers away from the center of the town.
Built on the former location of Wuxi Huishan Clay Figurine Factory, the two-storey museum covers a floor area of 12000 sqm , among which the total exhibition area is 8000 sqm . The architectural appearance was built from the design of a famous Japanese architect Kengo Kuma. A bird's eye view from the air, as if it were a letter U. The whole architecture maintains the original feature of traditional architectures in the south of the Yangtze River . The whole museum consists of the hall, the preface hall, the historical roots of the Chinese clay sculpture exhibition hall, Chinese schools of the clay figurine exhibition hall, Wuxi Huishan clay figurine exhibition hall and the masters and masterpieces exhibition hall. It has collected exquisite clay figurines of various periods from domestic 13 most representative hometowns of the clay figurine, including Beijing, Tianjing, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi , etc. Travelers can closely appreciate the astonishing works from those masters.
The China clay figurine museum is located in Wuxi Huishan ancient town,and 1.4 kilometers from Wuxi city center.Built above the former site of Wuxi Huishan clay figurines plant construction area of 12,000 square meters,showcasing an area of 8,000 square meters.Architectural form designed by the famous Japanese architect Kengo Kuma,bird's eye view like a letter U.The entire museum building to maintain the the Jiangnan traditional architectural styling features.Hall,Office of sequence,Chinese clay sculpture historical origins Hall,China Office of clay figurines genre,Wuxi Huishan Clay Hall,famous writers Appreciation Hall space museum collections from Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shaanxi,Shanxi,13 domestic most representative of the fine clay figurines of clay figurines hometown of each period.Visitors can close to appreciate the feelings of the masters of art and craft.