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我要明天英语四级作文可能考得题目 考研与就业

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 01:31:28
我要明天英语四级作文可能考得题目 考研与就业
帮我想一个四级作文关于“考研与就业”针对今年难找工作的热点,我想有可能考这个,不要太复杂的要符合四级格式 ,大致是 一部分人认为,另一部分人认为,阐述个人观点,120词左右,谢谢(请不要跑题,不要说什么考研了就会影响就业机会,以后读完研可能就失去好的就业机会等等,请注意前提应该是,就业难,所以很多人选择考研)
还有什么可能考得题目吗,因为上次四级是考得关于取消一次性塑料袋的作文,根据以往出题形式,应该考热点内容,有什么可能考得呢,比如像,明星代言问题产品,就业难问题,环保问题,猪流感问题,请谈谈你的宝贵看法,由于时间紧迫,明天就考了 ,所以明天这个贴就取消了,抓紧时间啊
可以在修改一下,加上些就业难的方面吗 思路是 就业难,很多人考研
我要明天英语四级作文可能考得题目 考研与就业
Becoming an Employee or Postgraduate after Graduation(工作还是读研)
As the day of graduation draws near,college students have to make decisions about their future life.Whether one wants to become a postgraduate or look for a job largely depends on one's personal interests.
For those who are eager to become economically independent and to put into practice what they have learned in college,taking a job will be both satisfying and rewarding.For years,they have been using their parents' money to support their education-and not without a sense of guilt.Moreover,at many times during their study,they must have been embarrassed by the lack of money or the guilty feeling of spengding their parents' money on “luxuries”.Getting established as a bread-winner after graduation is their main desire.
Those,who want to take advantage of the favorable conditions in college,however,will try to enroll in graduate programs.For them,a Master's degree or even a Doctoral degree represents a much more ambitious goal than a bachelor's degree.In the same way,their lifetime success and interest lies more in academic achievements than in making money.
As far as I am concerned,getting a higher degree has long been my dream.This is based on my belief that I should do more research and learn more while I am still young.