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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 23:19:34
Return Goods Authorization
Information Sheet for HYDRAcap modules
1,Qty of Modules being claimed and Qty/serial#’s of modules returning.
2. # modules per rack/HYDRABLOC?
3. When were the modules first operated, and how long have they been in operation?
4. What is the mode of failure?
5. Has performance changed since start up (i.e. filtrate flow and filtrate turbidity/particle cts)?
6,What is the feedwater source, composition and temperature (min., max. and avg.)?
7.? What p What is the feedwater source, composition and temperature (min., max. and avg.)? retreatment is used?
8.? What chemicals are being dosed?
9,What are the feed and filtrate turbidity/total suspended solids (average and maximum)?
10. What was the transmembrane pressure, temperature and filtrate flow at startup?
11,What was the maximum transmembrane pressure during filtration?
During backwash?
12. What are the feed top/bottom and filtrate pressures?
13. Have any fibers been repaired? If so, howmany?
14. What is the backwash/chemically enhanced backwash frequency?
15.? Have the modules been cleaned? If so, at what frequency? With what chemicals?
16.? What are the filtrate, crossflow and bleed flow rates?
17.? Did the modules freeze at any time?
19. Have any modules to be returned been exposed to biohazard(s), toxic substances, specify:
hazardous materials? If so, please radioactive materials or other
用翻译工具翻译的不行哦 。。。。
(注:HYDRA=Hydrographic Digital Positioning and Depth Recording System 水路数字定位与深度记录系统)
1 申请领取的模块数量以及回库模块的数量或序号
2 在每架或HYDRABLOC(?)上的模块序号
3 模块首次运行日期及运行时间
4 失灵模式
5 启动后是否有性能上的改观(即,滤液流量和过滤杂质的排放)
6 给水源及其成分,温度(最小温度,最大温度和平均温度)
7 (实在不懂)
8 注入何种化学制剂
9 注入何种液体(有蒙的成分),滤出混浊液或总悬浮固体的均值和峰值
10 启动时的横跨膜压力值,温度值和滤液流量
11 过滤期间和回流期间的最大横跨膜压力值
12 顶部压力值,底部压力值和滤液压力值
13 是否维修过任何结构,及维修数量
14 (催化)回流频率
15 模块有无清洗,清洗频率及使用何种清洗剂
16 过滤速度,横向流动速度和析抽速度
17 模块是否出现随时卡死情况
18 备注
19 回库模块是无接触有毒有害物质,清详细说明
hazardous materials?If so,please radioactive materials or other (这句话还没说完)