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中译英 根据说给词组1请坐下 have a seat,我傍晚游泳 have a swim3我们进行了智力测验 have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 13:42:52
中译英 根据说给词组
1请坐下 have a seat
,我傍晚游泳 have a swim
3我们进行了智力测验 have a test
4我们可以和你说句话嘛?have a word with sb
5那种药对我有良好功效 have an effect on
6早上我匆匆忙忙的 ,所以没吃早饭 have breakfast
7这婴儿走路有点困难 have difficult doing
8我做那件工作感觉很幸苦 have difficult with
9我们上午4节课,下午2节课 have lessons
10 我去机场,为我朋友送行 see sb.off
11 请派人去请医生 send for……
12 他被判处死刑 sentence sb .to death
13 他把部分收入存起来 set…aside
14 雷锋给青年们树立了榜样 set an example to sb
15 是谁放火烧那房子的?set fire to / set ……on fire
16被囚禁在监狱2年后peter获释了 set free
17 他们已出发做环球旅行 set off
18 9点钟医生开始做手术 set out
19 这家医院建于1970 年 set up
20 姑娘都穿着色彩缤纷的衣裙 have…on
中译英 根据说给词组1请坐下 have a seat,我傍晚游泳 have a swim3我们进行了智力测验 have
1 Please have a seat.
2 In summer,I have a swim in the evening.
3 We have have an IQ test.
4 Could we have a word with you?
5 The medicine has a good effect on me.
6 I was in a hurry in the morning,so I had no breakfast.
7 The baby has difficulty in walking.
8 I have difficult with the job.
9 We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.
10 I went to the airport to see my friend off.
11 He has sent for a doctor.
12 He was sentenced to death.
13 He sets aside some of his income.
14 Lei Feng set an example to us youth.
15 Who set fire to the house / set the houseon fire?
16 Peter was set free after two years' imprisonment.
17 They have set off for a round-world trip.
18 Doctors set out to do the operation.
19 This hospital was set up in 1970.
20 Girls have on colourful dresses.