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英语翻译Suppose you ignore the telephone when it rings,and suppo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 13:14:23
Suppose you ignore the telephone when it rings,and suppose that,for once,somebody has an important message for you.I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later.Think of the proverb:"Ill new travels apace".I must say good news seems to travel just as fast.And think of the staying:" The truth will out".I will.But suppose you answer that is.Why,you might be saying"Hello!"to a total stranger,a thing you would think twice about before doing in public,if you were English.
But perhaps,when you take off the reciever,you give your number or your name.But you don't know whom you are giving it to!Perhaps you have been indiscreet enough to have your name and number printed in the telephone directory,a book with a large circulation,a successful book so often reprinted as to make any author envious,a book more in evidence than Shakespare or the Bible,and found in all sorts of private and public places.By your self-advertisement you have enabled any stranger,bore,intruder,or ciminal to engage you in conversation at moment's notice in what ought to be the privacy of your own home.
英语翻译Suppose you ignore the telephone when it rings,and suppo
假如你忽视指述电话当它戒指, 而且推想, 仅此一次, 某人有一个重要的信息为你. 我能保证你如果一个信息真的重要它将延伸你迟早. 想到谚语:" 疾病新的旅行快速地 ". 我一定发言权好消息似乎旅行正如斋戒. 而且想到那停留:" 事实将外面的 ". 我会. 但是推想你答案哪一是. 为什么, 你可能说 "哈罗 !"对一个总计的陌生人, 一件事物你在当众做之前会到处想两次, 如果你是英国人.!
但是也许, 当你接收器起飞的时候, 你给予你的数字或你的名字. 但是你不知道谁你正在给它到! 也许你有够无分别来到有你的名字和数字印刷的在那电话目录, 一书与一大的循环, 一成功的书如此时常再版了当做制造任何的作家嫉妒的, 一书比莎士比亚更在证据或那圣经, 和发现在所有的二等兵和公共场所.被你的自我广告你有使任何的能够陌生人,令人讨厌的人,侵入者, 或 ciminal 在片刻在交谈答应你注意在什么应该是隐私你自己的家.