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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 22:39:54
而他也同意她再重返外面的世界去,在歌剧院后台,Bunquet发现他们两个人从地下又出现的事情,告诉了Giry夫人,她叫他不可声张.剧院因 Christine的失踪而闹得人心惶惶.Raoul、Carlotta、Piangi,Giry夫人和 Meg跑到经理办公室议论纷纷.他们每个人都收到和失踪的Christine有关的来信,而写信的明显地就是魅影其人.魅影的最新命令就是以Christine取代Carlotta的担任即将公演的首席女高音,并且把第五号包厢保留给魅影.传来Christine回来的消息后,经理们还是中意于 Carlotta,没去理会魅影的命令.魅影的声音,有人表示,有听到他要向违背他命令的所有人施加超乎想象中的灾难.为了防止,Raoul坐进了第五号包厢,Christine在台上仍只是演个不出声的角色.魅影的警告声音仅管被听到,但是大家仍不以为意,所以魅影让Carlotta 在台上出丑,因为她竟然在台上不是在唱歌,而是发出的是青蛙的叫声.
当Carlotta 被换下来,Andre终于换上了 Christine,在她化妆的时候,台上演出歌剧中的芭蕾,在芭蕾舞进行当中,一个死人从上面掉落了下来,那是道具管理人Buquet的尸体.Christine想和Raoul逃往一个她所知是安全的地方--歌剧院的屋顶,她对他诉说在地下所发生的事情,Raoul几乎难以相信,但是Christin感到魅影甚至也追到此处.Raoul愿保护她,她投入了他的怀抱.他们约定连夜逃走.正当他们计划逃走的时候,魅影从躲着的地方现身了,因他已听到了一切.他发誓要报仇,就在Christine在台上演出时,他让屋顶上的大吊灯直向着观众席上掉落了下来,六个月之后,在化妆舞会上,所有的人庆贺新年和魅影的消失.Raoul 和 Christine已经订了婚,但Christine一直对外 严守秘密,而把她的订婚戒指串在项链上而挂在颈子上.在宴会之际,魅影又回来了,他把他所写作的新歌剧的曲谱向经理Andre掷去,而且命令必须要演出.他并且扯去了挂在Christine颈子上的订婚戒指而消失了.
Raoul向Giry夫人询问有关魅影的身份,她告诉他说:魅影是个逃脱的露天表演场的畸型人,是一个身体的畸型人,但十分聪明.他被认为已死,但实际上是活着,而且是住在歌剧院的某处.Andre和 Firmin陷入于恐惧中.他们并不想把魅影所写的歌剧搬上舞台,但害怕若是不服从时的下场.Christine也不想上演魅影的作品.Raoul则想要用魅影所写的歌剧订下一个诱捕魅影的计谋.
如果 Christine演唱女主角,魅影定会来欣赏.要是把门锁上,观众席上警卫重重,不怕魅影插翅能逃.Christine满心不愿地答应合作.歌手们原本在演唱不和谐的" Don Juan"曲谱时,进展很慢.排演时在钢琴出奇神秘地很能搭配的情况之下,歌手们愈唱愈顺.
She was afraid, and now the phantom angrily told her that she never have freedom. But his anger and turn into self-pity, Christine feel as though she also phantom and heart.
But he also agreed to return to the outside world, she then go back in the opera house, that they two Bunquet from underground appeared again and told her that he Giry madam, not a secret. Christine theatre is missing falling apart. Raoul Carlotta, Mrs. Giry Piangi, Meg and ran to the manager's office and talking. Every one of them received and missing letter, and the relevant Christine write clearly is the phantom of the man. The phantom of the latest command is replaced by the upcoming Christine Carlotta as the chief, and opened the first 5 soprano compartment reserved for the phantom. Christine came back after the news, managers or Italy, not to notice in Carlotta phantom's orders. The phantom of the voice, someone said to him, have heard all rebelled against his command on the person beyond imagination. Raoul, in order to prevent the first 5 boxes, Christine on stage in a sound is just the warning role. The phantom voice was heard, but is still alike, so the phantom everyone on the stage, to make Carlotta because she had not singing on the stage, but is a frog.
When Carlotta traded, Andre finally put a dressing on her Christine, when the ballet, opera stage performance in the ballet, and a dead fall down from above, the administrator of the body is Buquet props. Raoul Christine and want to know what she is to a safe place -- the opera house on his roof, her about what happened in the underground Raoul, almost unbelievable, but Christin felt the phantom even to protect her Raoul here. Let her into his arms. They appointed governor. While they ran away when the phantom plan from hiding place, because he has appeared all heard. He vowed to revenge, Christine in performance on the stage, he let the roof hanging straight toward the drop down, after six months, and in masquerade party to celebrate New Year and all the people of the phantom Raoul. Christine and have married foreign Christine, but always kept secret, but her engagement ring in the necklace and hanging on the neck of the phantom. In the party, he came back to his writing new opera hymns to throw, and Andre manager. He ordered must go and hang it on the neck saying Christine engagement ring and disappeared.
Raoul Giry lady to inquire about the identity of the phantom, she told him: the phantom of the outdoor BiaoYanChang escaped a lopsided, is a body lopsided, but very clever. He was already dead, but actually is alive, and dwelt in the opera house somewhere. Andre Firmin and in fear into. They did not want to put the phantom of the opera written on stage, but if you are not afraid to fate. When Christine wouldn't staged the phantom of the works. Raoul is wanted by the phantom of the opera written order a trap the counsel of the phantom.
If the heroine, Christine singing phantom will appreciate. If you lock the door, the guard, afraid of ghosts wings can escape. Christine filled with no wish to cooperate. The singer was not in the singing of "harmonious Don Juan is slow," program. Rehearsals at the piano surprisingly mysteriously can match, the singers sang more.