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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 19:25:53
There are still very much thanks the always active consideration to solve my travel time to work on not convenient for me will allow me time to catch the bus,offered by the company I do not have strict working hours,and can Bus time to coordinate their own time,when necessary,only a half-day classes,take care of me also pregnant.Although the Chinese law requires that businesses should be arranged within the working hours of pregnant women in the rest period must be allowed 2 lactation feeding time,feeding time and distance and time had to press attendance count,I am grateful to General Lee,as rare is,after all,Lee always offered,it is obvious he knows I will cancel bus enormous difficulties facing.
4.The day before yesterday Hao always talked to me,to convey the meaning of General Li:not allowed to take maternity leave (ridiculous,clearly illegal),I have only two ways to resign myself (funny,this is me his resignation?) Second,the company reduced my salary (also obviously illegal,companies are not allowed to reduce the wages of pregnant women).This level of management,I direct speechless.General Lee by telephone yesterday,I also proposed maternity leave early.Today,I reply,Lee always said,I still think a normal maternity leave,not before time.Why is it normal in other companies to what will become the company so many tricks!!!!
        Finally I would like to know:If Mr.Ke and Miss Zhang Li total support this practice,then I am all female company employees live example of the future.Without regard to the legal existence of such enterprises in China,I do not believe it will be a huge success in China.This company's total non-human LI management,Mr.Ke and Miss Chang is really such a support?
英语翻译需翻译的文段如下:还有,还是非常感谢李总能主动考虑到解决我上下班交通时间上的不便利,为了我能让我搭上公交车的时间 英语翻译您好,非常感谢您给予的“神山圣湖”藏文翻译为了让封面上藏文、中文、英文字体长度比较默契配合,可否请您再帮我翻译一 英语翻译还有"非常感谢过去的时间,大家对我的关心和支持." 中译英:"非常感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间来查看我的电子邮件" 英语翻译感谢我的父母我的朋友的陪伴和支持,让我学会了承担自己所要承担的责任.感谢这段时间所经历的所有一次,让我学会成长. 英语翻译对不起现在才给你写这封信,我必须说我现在非常的想念你妈妈,还有想念以前平静的生活.在军队里的这段时间让我学会了坚 我每上英语课就想睡觉,其它课则很精神,谁能帮我解决这个问题?我会非常感谢他的! 英语翻译翻译内容如上是我的个人简介 我很感谢我能寄宿在您的家里 如果我有什么日常上的问题我希望我们能沟通 您能给我指出不 英语翻译这段时间有很多事情要做比较忙,还有翻译也需要时间,前几天才详细的了解你的信件内容.首先我不知道你是否真的了解我公 麻烦哪位大神帮我翻译一下这段文章 谷歌翻译的不准确..非常感谢啊! 我刚上初三,数学成绩一般,不拔尖.怎么样学才能拔尖,我只有一年不到的时间了,能学拔尖吗?还有请把... 英语翻译十分感谢帮我翻译的朋友!翻译的内容如下:Dear Ken:收到您的offer我很高兴,我非常愿意成为xxx公司的