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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 06:35:15
ad.1.向上,往上;向楼上 They hung the map up.他们把地图挂起来.2.在上面;在楼上 She lives two floors up.她住在再往上两层.3.(价格、水平等)上升,上扬 Prices for consumer goods are going up.消费品价格在上涨.4.(姿态)直立地;起床;起来 5.在北方;向北方 He drove up north.他驾车向北驶去.6.向前;靠近 He came up to me and asked my name.他走到我面前,问我叫什么名字.7.(程度)增加,增大 Speak up so that everybody can hear you.讲得响些,让大家都能听见.8.彻底地,完全地 To my surprise,she drank up the whole bottle of wine.使我惊奇的是她把一瓶酒全喝了.9.紧紧地 prep.1.向...上,往...上 2.在...之上 Her room is up those stairs.她的房间在那边楼上.3.向...的上游;沿着 She walked up the path.她沿着小路走.4.【英】【口】到;在 a.[Z] 1.向上的;上行的 The chart shows an up trend of meat prices.图表显示肉价呈上升趋势.2.(道路)在整修的[F] 3.(电脑)在工作的[F] 4.被控告的,上法庭的[F] He was up for slander.他被控犯有诽谤罪而出庭.n.[C] 1.上升;向上的坡 2.上行车 3.走运;繁荣 I hope I'll have more ups in the future.我希望将来走运些.vt.【口】 1.提高;增加 The price of sugar has been upped.糖价已经提高.2.举起;拿起 vi.1.【口】(后接and和另一动词)突然站起 She upped and slapped him in the face.她霍地跳起来打了他一记耳光.