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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 21:40:08
For 20-year-old Shen Hsin-ling,a computer is more than just a tool or a toy.對20歲的Shen Hsin-ling而言,一台電腦不只是一個工具或一個玩具 Computers are the medium that connects her with those who need assistance.電腦是連結他和那些需要幫助的人的媒介.At the age of 11,Hsin-ling built a website to help her grandfather,who was struggling to improve his business as a fruit vendor.在他11歲時,Hsin-ling創立了一個網站來幫他的祖父改進他依直掙扎不振的水果販售的生意.She also designed a free educational website featuring English lessons for poor children who could not afford cram school lessons.她也設計了一個免費的網頁特別以英文教學來教那些上不起補習班貧窮的孩子.Through the site,the children were given the opportunity to feel proud of themselves.Hsin-ling felt a connection with them because she also came from a poor background.She later began working to help Cambodian people and Chinese spouses living in Taiwan.It seems her good deeds know no limits.經由這個網站,給了這些孩子趕到為自己驕傲的機會.Hsin-ling趕到和這些孩子有相連之處因為他也是從貧苦的背景而來的.她後來開始致力於幫助高棉人和他們中國籍住在台灣的配偶.看來她的善行是沒有極限的.Today the collection at the Kaohsiung International Airport,take the flight to the "Pearl of the Orient," said the Hong Kong.Upon arrival by "Ngong Ping 360 cable car" to Lantau Island.Ngong Ping 360 cable car take the whole 25 minutes,the landscape has a 360-degree field of vision,can see a different point of view and the Big Buddha on Lantau Island scenery (In case of suspension of service on the Ngong Ping 360 cable car,truck traffic will be replaced in order to protect passenger safety).The cable car along with the opening of "Ngong Ping Village" to a traditional Chinese custom built in the style,is elegant charming scenery will make your eye-opener!Car then came to Hong Kong's most famous】 【Wong Tai Sin Temple,formerly known as Sik Sik Yuen,Chong Fengru.Release.Taoism,as is said to Wong Tai Sin responsive,particularly efficacious sign the text,it attracted many worshipers this worship,perennial flourishing incense.Stanley then take you to the 【】,a collection of small shops selling various goods and shopping centers,you can find the shuttle in the traditional Chinese culture,market focused on clothing technology can also be lazy and enjoy the beach in South China warm sea sun,Repulse Bay】 【Hong Kong's most beautiful beaches are known to watch the beautiful sea view,and can enjoy two days after the statue of Guanyin with!Then take the Star Ferry】 【take the ferry in the Hundred Years,the list on both sides of Victoria Harbour,the most outstanding modern architecture and construction,open deck to enjoy the comfort of Qin Liang breeze was blowing,people feel like being in space marine turn a wonderful journey.Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Avenue of Stars Avenue of Stars on to explore Hong Kong's lighting legend.The tourist spots in Hong Kong,the theme of the film industry to recognize the foreground stars and filmmakers behind the achievements.今日集合於高雄小港機場,搭乘豪華客機飛往有“東方之珠”之稱的香港.抵達後乘「昂坪360纜車」至大嶼山.昂坪360纜車全程需25分鐘,擁有360度的視野景觀,能以不同視野角度觀看大佛及大嶼山景色(若遇昂坪360纜車停駛,將以交通車替代,以維護旅客安全).而伴隨纜車一起開放的「昂坪市集」,以中華式建築風格呈現傳統風俗,秀逸迷人的景緻將使您大開眼界!接著專車來到香港最著名的【黃大仙廟】,原名嗇色園,崇奉儒.釋.道三教,因據說黃大仙有求必應,籤文尤其靈驗,故吸引無數善信到此膜拜,常年香火鼎盛.隨後帶您前往【赤柱】,匯集了販售各式各樣貨品的小店舖及購物中心,您可以穿梭在傳統市集中找到中華文化的服飾工藝,也可以懶洋洋的在沙灘上享受南中國海的熱情艷陽,【淺水灣】有香港最美麗海灘之稱,觀賞美麗的海景,並可觀賞觀音與天后兩座雕像!接著搭乘【天星小輪】,乘坐在已有百年歷史的渡輪中,一覽維多利亞港兩旁最現代的建築藝術和傑出建設,露天甲板上盡情享受微風拂面的舒適沁涼,讓人彷彿置身在時空交替的海上奇幻之旅.【星光大道】尖沙咀海濱長廊上的星光大道,探索香港的光影傳奇.這個旅遊點以香港的電影業為主題,旨在表揚幕前巨星和幕後電影工作者的成就.