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英语阅读一篇,Walk down any street in Ferring and every other perso

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 08:34:24
Walk down any street in Ferring and every other person you meet will be retired; more than half of the population is over retirement age,and it creates quite a few problems for the people who live there.Ferring has become one of the retirement centres of the south.It means good business for estate agents but it's bad news for the social services.It is not hard to see why Ferring is so popular with the retired.It is built completely on flat ground,close to the sea and is in the main surrounded by open countryside.With so few people to actually do the work,the work force of the village is drawn from Goring and other places.The village shops draw heavily on Goring for workers.Even the newspaper delivery boys come from Goring.Ferring is a neat,tidy village,with rows of narrow roads winding their way down to the seafront.But behind the doors of the houses lies a real problem.Usually when an elderly person needs help there is a willing neighbor not very far away to give assistance.But in Ferring it is quite possible to find a street where every single person is retired and many are in their 80's and 90's.In circumstances such as these an elderly person needing help can feel isolated.Retirement by the sea for a Midlands or northern couple may end up far from the dream of life they thought of.If one partner dies,the other remains miles away from family and friends.But the story is not all grim- there is much comradeship and no trouble in making friends.A store down the road is likely to produce a good number of people to pass the time of day with.They are all retired and don't have the hurry and competition of everyday life.
1.Which of the following has created a problem for Ferring
A .The social service there are not sufficient.
B .Its local business is short of work force.
C .A large number of its residents are aged.
D .There are too many buildings in the village.
2.Ferring is popular with the retired mainly because of ________.
A .the good service of the retirement center
B .its favorable location
C .its easy reach of Goring
D .the friendliness of the natives
3.According to the passage,in Ferring many elderly people ________.
A .often lose their way while walking on the street
B .have to do some work even in their old ages
C .seldom go out for a walk on the street
D .feel lonely when they are in need of help
4.It can be inferred from the passage that Midland or a Northern couple _______.
A .haven't enjoyed their lives as much as they expected
B .often have a dream about their lives in Ferring
C .choose to live with their family when one partner dies
D .have no idea of where to live after they are retired
5.In the last paragraph,the author concludes that the life of the old people in Ferring is _______.
A .difficult
B .boring
C .competitive
D .relaxed
英语阅读一篇,Walk down any street in Ferring and every other perso