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英语翻译介绍\x05大家都对于生肖都很熟悉,但是有谁知道生肖的起源以及12生肖各代表什么意义呢?内容一 中国生肖的起源作

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 06:13:07
一 中国生肖的起源
1.老鼠和牛 老鼠代表智慧,牛代表勤奋.智慧和勤奋一定要紧紧结合在一起.如果光有智慧,不勤奋,那就变成小聪明;而光是勤奋,不动脑筋,那就变成愚蠢.这两者一定要结合.这是祖先对我们第一组的期望和要求,也是最重要的一组.
2.老虎和兔子 老虎代表勇猛,兔子代表谨慎.勇猛和谨慎一定要紧紧结合在一起才能作到胆大心细.如果勇猛离开了谨慎,就变成了鲁莽,而没了勇猛,就变成了胆怯.这一组也非常重要,所以放在第二位置上.
3.龙和蛇 龙代表猛,蛇代表柔韧.所谓刚者易折,太刚了容易折断,但是,如果只有柔的一面就易失去主见,所以刚柔并济是我们的祖训.
4.马和羊 马代表勇往直前,羊代表和顺.如果一个人只顾自己直奔目标,不顾及周围环境,必然会和周围不断磕碰,最后不见得能达到目标.但是,一个人光顾及和顺,他可能连方向都没有了.所以勇往直前的秉性,一定要和和顺紧紧结合在一起,这是祖先对我们的第四组期望.
5.猴子和鸡 猴子代表灵活,鸡定时打鸣.代表恒定,灵活和恒定一定要紧紧结合在一起.如果你光灵活,没有恒定,再好的政策也得不到收获.一方面具有稳定性,保持整体和谐和秩序,另一方面有能在变通中前进,这才是最根本的要旨.
6.狗和猪 狗代表忠诚,猪代表随和.如果一个人太忠诚,不懂得随和,就会排斥他人.反过来,一个人太随和,没有忠诚,这个人就失去原则.无论是对一个民族的忠诚,还是对自己理想的忠诚,一定要与随和紧紧结合在一起,这样才容易保持内心深处的平衡.
在西方国家,他们有一种完全不同于东方生肖的文化,就是星座.西方星座起源于四大文明古国之一的古巴比伦. 古希腊天文学家对巴比伦的星座进行了补充和发展,编 制出了古希腊星座表.公元2世纪,古希腊天文学家托勒密综合了当时的天文成就,编制了48个星座.把它们想象成 动物或人物的形象,结合神话故事给它们起出适当的名字,这就是星座名称的由来. 中世纪以后,欧洲资本主义兴起,需要向外扩张,航海事业得到了很大的发展.船舶在大海上航行,随时需要导航,星星就是最好的指路灯.而在星星中,星座的形状比较特殊,最容易观测,因此,星座受到了普遍关注.
英语翻译介绍\x05大家都对于生肖都很熟悉,但是有谁知道生肖的起源以及12生肖各代表什么意义呢?内容一 中国生肖的起源作
All the animals are very familiar, but who knows the Zodiac 's origin as well as the 12 zodiac represent what meaning?
A Chinese Zodiac origin
As an ancient folk culture, about twelve animal origin, the scholars of public opinions are divergent. Twelve. Zodiac records, the data available in the literature, in order to" book of songs" is the first. Is the Chinese ancestors worship, totem worship of animals as well as early astronomy crystallization.
Two implied meanings.
The twelve animals are divided into 6 pairs, each pair contains Chinese ancestors left us Zu Xun.
1 mouse and bovine mouse represents wisdom, the cow represents diligence. Diligence and wisdom must closely together. If the light of wisdom, not hard, it becomes a little clever; but the light is diligent, mindless, it would become stupid. To combine the two. This is our ancestors first set of expectations and requirements, the most important group.
2 tiger and rabbit on behalf of fierce tigers, rabbits represents care. Bravery and caution must be closely together in order to be bold but cautious. If left fiercely discretely, it becomes a rash, but no more courageous, they become timid. This group is also very important, so it is in the second position.
3 dragon and snake dragon represents fiercely, the snake represents flexibility. The so-called just easy to fold, so just a break easily, but, if only the soft side, easy to lose idea, so hard and soft is our Zu Xun.
4 horses and sheep horse represents march forward courageously, sheep representatives heshun. If a person is selfish to target, regardless of the surrounding environment, inevitable meeting and continuously around the bump, finally can not reach the goal. However, a person patronage and obliging, he may even have no direction. So they must march forward courageously, and rolls closely together, this is the ancestor of our fourth sets of expectations.
5 monkeys and monkeys represent the flexible chicken, chicken timing crow. Represents constancy, flexible and constant must be tightly combined together. If your light is flexible, not constant, the good policy will not reap. Hand has stability, harmony and order, on the other hand are to be flexible in advance, this is the basic principle.
In 6 dogs and pigs and dogs represent loyalty, the pig represents amiably. If a person is too loyal, not amiable, he will reject others. Conversely, a person too easy-going, no loyalty, a person without principles. Whether it be for a nation's loyalty, or on their own ideal of loyalty, and must be easy going closely together, so it is easy to maintain deep balance.
Three Western constellations.
In western countries, they have a completely different from the Oriental Zodiac culture, is the constellation. The Western Zodiac originated from one of the four ancient civilizations of ancient Babylon. The ancient Greek astronomers of Babylon constellation was supplemented and development, made up of ancient Greek constellation. In second Century, the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy integrated the astronomical achievements, has compiled 48 constellation. Imagine the image of animal or person, with fairy tales to give them a proper name, which is the origin of the name of the constellation. After the middle ages, the rise of European capitalism, need to expand outwards, nautical career got great development. The ship sailing on the sea, always need to navigate, the stars is the best that the street lamps. But in the stars, constellation shape is quite special, the most easily observed, therefore, constellation has been widespread concern.
Summary of four.
Either Eastern or Western Zodiac constellations, are ancient great wisdom of human being. They are so different, I have to say that the cultural differences between East and West from our ancestral times have. But the cultural differences make our world becomes rich and colorful, and the combination of Chinese and Western cultures in our table can eat without heating the salad, also can eat hot rice. About the future, the combination of Chinese and Western cultures will appear again what kind of innovation? This is all we are looking forward to.