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英语翻译4.1 IntroductionThe objective of an experiment is often

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 06:31:18
4.1 Introduction
The objective of an experiment is often much more specific than merely determining whether or not all of the treatments give rise to similar responses.For example,a chemical experi-ment might be run primarily to determine whether or not the yield of the chemical process increases as the amount of the catalyst is increased.A medical experiment might be con-cerned with the efficacy of each of several new drugs as compared with a standard drug.A nutrition experiment may be run to compare high fiber diets with low fiber diets.Such treat-ment comparisons are formalized in Section 4.2.The purpose of this chapter is to provide confidence intervals and hypothesis tests about treatment comparisons and treatment means.We start,in Section 4.3,by considering a single treatment comparison or mean,and then,in Section 4.4,we develop the techniques needed when more than one treatment comparison or mean is of interest.The number of observations required to achieve confidence intervals of given lengths is calculated in Section 4.5.SAS commands for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests are provided in Section 4.6.
4.2 Contrasts
In Chapter 3,we defined a contrast to be a linear combination of the parameters τ1,τ2,...,τv of the form
∑ciτi,with ∑ci=0 .
For example,τu− τs is the contrast that compares the effects (as measured by the response variable) of treatments u and s.If τu− τs=0,then treatments u and s affect the response in exactly the same way,and we say that these treatments do not differ.Otherwise,the treatments do differ in the way they affect the response.We showed in Section 3.4 that for a completely randomized design and the one-way analysis of variance model (3.3.1),every contrast ∑ciτi is estimable with least squares estimate
∑ci τi=∑ci(µˆ + ˆτi)=∑ciyi.(4.2.1)
and corresponding least squares estimator ∑ciYi.The variance of the least squares
estimator is
Var(∑ciYi)=∑ci ²Var(Yi.)=∑ci²(σ2/ri)=σ2∑(ci²/ri).(4.2.2)
The first equality uses the fact that the treatment sample means Yi.involve different response variables,which in model (3.3.1) are independent.The error variance σ2is generally un-known and is estimated by the unbiased estimate msE,giving the estimated variance of thecontrast estimator as
The estimated standard error of the estimator is the square root of this quantity,namely.
英语翻译4.1 IntroductionThe objective of an experiment is often
无功(∑此役)=∑词²变种(彝族.)=∑词²(σ2 /日)=σ2∑(词²/日).(图5)