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英语翻译When Chinese contact with westerners,if they do not know

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 15:29:57
When Chinese contact with westerners,if they do not know these differences,if will lead to misunderstanding.The ways to respond to apologies are different,too.A:Oh,I'm sorry.I forget it.
B1:It doesn't matter.
B2:That's all right.
B2 is westerners.B1 is a Chinese person.“It doesn't matter” is a translation of “没关系”from Chinese,which is a common pattern in Chinese to respond to apologies.If a Chinese uses this to respond to apologies,westerners will thinkthat he is a sharp person,who simply cannot forgive a very little wrong thing.
5.Thanks and Responses
“Thank you” is widely used in English to show gratitude in such cases as being invited,helped,given a gift,etc.Cultural differences exist between Chinese and western in how to express thanks and responses.In fact,“Thank you” is uttered in English for more than acknowledging favor or gratitude,and it is often a means to show politeness.On many occasions,the English use this utterance while the Chinese may say “有劳您了.”or do not say a word at all but just smile or nod.As a matter of fact,“Thank you ” is used more widely by westerners than Chinese use“谢谢”,for minor favors like borrowing pencil ,asking directions,requesting someone to pass on a message ,receiving a telephone,etc.“Thank you” not only shows politeness but also carries a person's grateful feeling for those who offer help.Without using expressions of gratitude,misunderstandings may arise because the help seems to be taken for granted and is mot appreciated,For westerners,each person is an equal individual,whether he is a family member of not.In Chinese,“谢谢”is not frequently used between intimate friends and family members because it may imply a certain distance between the addresser and the addressee.Native speakers may respond to “Thank you ” by saying:You are welcome /It’s a /my pleasure/ Not at all/ Don’t mention it/That’s all right.While Chinese people may say:“这是我应该做的”,which may convey to westerners the message that the Chinese did not really want to do it,or that he/she did it only because it wall his/her duty.This message is quite different from what the Chinese speaker intended to express.
6.Asking Personal Affairs
People from China do not regard it as asking personal affairs when they ask others name、year、marital status、wages、personal life、belief and political points.It is regard as concerns.While the westerns will think you 侵犯their right of privacy.when we talk to the westerns,we must avoid asking some questions like this:“How old are you?”、“Are you married?”、“How many children do you have?”、“How much do you make?”、“What’s your weight?”、“Do you go to the church?”
7.Invitation and Saying Good-Bye
In the culture of British and America,it is very important to consult a time before you invite somebody to attend a banquet or take part in social activities.Esp.in America,invite somebody means you are borrow times of others.So they respect time very much.While in China,people are prefer to an uninvited guest.And otherwise,You will be thought unfriendly if you cannot receive an uninvited guest very well
In China,we always say“你辛苦了!”、“你一定累了吧!”to show our consideration when somebody from far place.While the westerners do it in a different way.They will say "How is your trip?"You must be very interesting." These sentences are all express in psychological aspect.Concerning the old people is the virtue of human race.But different cultures have different styles.In China,people will say“您年纪大了,”when they 让座to a old man.But this is regardedas taboo.
英语翻译When Chinese contact with westerners,if they do not know
中国人和西方人接触时,若不注意两国的文化差异,就容易导致误会.两国人对道歉的反应也不尽相同.这里有个例子.假如A说:“啊,不好意思,我忘了.”B1答:It doesn't matter.B2答:That's all right.那么B2就是西方人,而B1则是中国人.“It doesn't matter”是中国话里“没关系”的翻译,是典型的中国人对道歉的反应.如果中国人这样去回复别人的道歉的话,西方人就会觉得这个人很尖锐,连一点小小的过错也不肯原谅.
英语中通常用“thank you”来对别人的邀请,帮助,赠礼等等进行感谢.中国人和西方人在道谢以及进行回应等都存在文化的不同.事实上,“谢谢”在英语中不仅仅是你对别人的帮忙表示感激,更多的情况下它表示一种礼貌.在许多场合中,英语的“谢谢”相当于中国的“有劳您了”,或者不说话只用微笑或点头来表示.对他们来说,类似于借支笔,借个字典,让别人带个信儿,接个电话这样的小事都要说“thank you”.“thank you”不仅表示礼貌,还传达了人们对帮助自己的人的感激之情.如果别人帮助你了你却没有表示感谢,就会产生一种误会,因为别人会觉得你以为受到帮助是理所当然的或者不领情.对西方人来说,每个人都是平等的,不管他是否是家庭成员.在中国,“谢谢”在相熟的朋友和家人之间用的不多,因为那会增加彼此间的距离感.西方人对“thank you”的回答可能是You are welcome /It’s a /my pleasure/ Not at all/ Don’t mention it/That’s all right,中国人则会说“这是我应该做的”.而传递给西方人的感觉是中国人其实是不愿意这么做的,或者说他这么做只是因为责任感.这并不是中国人想要表达的初衷.