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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:历史作业 时间:2024/10/02 10:44:47
雅典是用智慧女神雅典娜的名字命名的历史古城.相传希腊古时候,智慧女神雅典娜与海神波赛顿为争夺雅典的保护神地位,相持不下.后来,主神宙斯决定:谁能给人类一件有用的东西,城就归谁.海神赐给人类一匹象征战争的壮马,而智慧女神雅典娜献给人类一颗枝叶繁茂、果实累累、象征和平的油橄榄树.人们渴望和平,不要战争,结果这座城归了女神雅典娜.从此,她成了雅典的保护神,雅典因之得名.后来人们就把雅典视为“ 雅典是驰名世界的文化古城,历史上曾创造了辉煌的古代文化,许多珍贵的文化遗产嬗传至今,构成世界文化宝库的一部分.雅典在数学、哲学、文学、建筑、雕刻等方面都曾取得过巨大成就.大喜剧作家阿里斯托芬,大悲剧作家爱斯奇里斯、索福克里斯和幼里披底斯,历史学家希罗多德、修昔底德、哲学家苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德都在雅典从事过研究和创作活动.酷爱和平之城”.
Sparta and Athens Greek city-state countries the most powerful,but Sparta and Athens belong to different types of city-state:though both are slave-owners rule city-states but Sparta is nobility oligarchic dictatorship of military power,be ruler no freedom and rights; While Athens with the development of society,the civilian upper participation opportunity expands unceasingly.6 century BC,Athens a famous slavery republic.
Athens is with intelligence goddess Athena named after the ancient history.According to legend,ancient Greek goddess of wisdom,Athena and sea wave the scramble for Athens's patron saint of the position,at loggerheads over.Later,Zeus decided:who can give human one useful things,city will be who.Poseidon given mankind a symbolic war horses,and gives to the human intelligence goddess Athena luxuriant,a single branches fruitful,symbolizing peace of produ...
We saw in the 6th century BC late and 5 century,Athens politics primarily active characters,except special meters stoke column,outside,main from alzheimer's family and fe adb MaYiAng grams,family.Amir Antioch de2 si hakka,Mongolian,gram hill carry in Persia,Pericles,who in the maintenance of national independence and implement the expansion of subject agree,and have established the greatest achievements.In the 5th century B.C.in the 1960s,1970s and stoke column,rice,Effie AErTeSi,Pericles,etc and guest who treat Sparta issues differences of opinion,and indeed Athens domestic expand or limit the struggle for democracy relates in together.Martland years BC,kiss Spartan guest was exiled by warlord mountain YiShiHui power and weakening these two things organically relates in together,explain the Athens democracy political finally established is the third and fourth gra...