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International Standards turn to education services

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 08:33:22
International Standards turn to education services
By Dr.Thomas Rau,Chair of ISO/TC 232,Learning services for non-formal education and training
Within the past few years,the topic of quality and quality assurance has gained momentum in many countries.Quite a number of international organizations like the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have turned to quality assurance in the area of education in the context of their mandate.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) also considers education as a main area in international services in its General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).In connection to this,the necessity of transparency and comparable international standards has been stressed repeatedly.The European Union has intensified its engagement for quality in education.The enumeration could be continued for further international and regional organizations.
ISO takes on education
A turn towards education has also been witnessed within ISO.Until now,standardization activities were always embedded into the scope of the respective committees.This is why in February 2006 DIN,Deutsches Institut fur Normung-the ISO member for Germany-applied for the establishment of a technical committee for education services.Following a surprisingly positive response from standardization organizations all over the world,ISO established technical committee ISO/TC 232,Educational services.
“Knowledge is becoming a key factor in successful corporate management all over the world.”
Now a technical committee is geared exclusively to education services ,it puts the educational process and the assurance of education quality into the centre of its activities.The committee concentrates its attention on non-formal education for adults and has vocational education and training in its sight.
In March 2007,34 experts from Europe,the USA,Asia and Australia met for the first meeting of ISO/TC 232 in Berlin,Germany.In the course of the meeting,the committee renamed itself to Learning services for non-formal education and training in order to better meet the differences in conceptuality within the various countries,and also to better respond to requirements of life-long learning.
Need for non-formal education standards
A new economic activity is created by the provision of for-profit educational services.These economic opportunities and benefits are testimony to the growing economic important of education in the global knowledge society.Knowledge is becoming a key factor in successful corporate management all over the world.Education is increasingly being regarded as a business-oriented service.Quality assurance is a crucial issue in non-formal educational services.
Programme of work of the planned standardization
Standards for quality testing
Tools,methods and criteria for monitoring of training or education
International Standards turn to education services
Dr.Thomas Rau,主持会议的国际标准化组织/与TC 232 ,学习服务的非正规教育和培训
在过去的几年中,话题的品质和质量保证已取得势头,在许多国家.相当数量的国际组织,如联合国教育,科学及文化组织( UNESCO )和经济合作与发展组织的运作与发展组织(经合组织)已转向品质保证系统在教育领域的语境中的执行他们的任务.
世界贸易组织( WTO )也认为,教育作为一项主要领域,在国际服务在其一般服务贸易协定(服务贸易总协定) .在连接到这一点,有必要的透明度和可比性的国际标准,已再三强调.欧洲联盟今年以来加大了接触,为素质教育.计数,可继续为进一步加强国际和区域组织的合作.
转向教育也被目击与标准的制订工作.目前为止,标准化活动总是嵌入式纳入各自的委员会.这就是为什么在2006年2月就已,德国研究所毛皮normung -国际标准化组织成员国为德国-申请成立一个技术委员会,为教育服务.以下是出奇的积极响应,由标准化组织遍布世界各地,国际标准化组织成立了技术委员会ISO / TC 232 ,教育服务.
"知识就是成为一个关键因素,成功的企业管理遍布世界各地" .
在2007年3月,34名专家分别来自欧洲,美国,亚洲和澳大利亚举行了第一次会议,国际标准化组织/与TC 232在柏林,德国.在会面过程中,该委员会更名为自己的学习服务的非正规教育和训练,以便更好地满足差异conceptuality内部各国家,同时也为了更好地应对要求,终身学习的精神.