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英语翻译1.match with equal with /to2.attempt trial 3.undergo sus

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 15:20:33
1.match with equal with /to
2.attempt trial
3.undergo sustain bear stand suffer endure
4.appliance facility equipment
5.be lacking of lack in
6.make for the summit
7.overtake exceed
8.mistake error misdeed fault
9.he failed his exam,and it served him right because he had not studied for the whole semester 还有sever 在这为什么不是show?
10.constitute compose of contain
11.varied variable various 分别由哪个词变过来的.及在什么情况下用 不要贴字典里查的意思
12.succeed inherit
13.the children were awake 为什么不是woke?
14.manage to do successed accomplish
15.on good terms with my classmate 为什么不是friendship?
16.i find this report badly done.and that goes for all the other work done in this office 整句话的意思及 go for 的意思
17.faint vague
18.firm rigid stiff tough
19.state claim declare
20.John & Sam correspond for many years before they met 这里correspond
21.everyone should learn from his honorable conduct 这里honorable 及整句话
22.neglect ignore
23.perceive observe
24.proportion rate ratio
25.surroundings situation environment situation
26.fundamental elemental
27.recall remind
28.extent range field
29.procedure process
30.by trade he is a teacher,but now he is an unemployed trade
31.he placed too much emphasis on sports & not enough on his studies 这里为什么不用interest?
32.shut out conversation
33.if we are blind to this ,we shall commit the gravest error imaaginable
34.vary change alter
35.imaginable imaginary imaginative imaginational
36.all I'm trying to do is to find out why your conditon has not improved.为什么不用search for?
37.color-blind people often find it difficult to compare between blue and green 为什么不用distinguish?
38.there is more land in Australia than the goverment knows what to do with 这里what to do with
英语翻译1.match with equal with /to2.attempt trial 3.undergo sus
(1) match with equal with/to
[释]:match with = be equal to [释]:是...的对手,与...相匹敌.
(2)attempt trial [释]:初试实例.
(3) undergo sustain bear stand suffer endure [释]:
undergo 用于经历,经验,探险等大事件.sustain 多用于对议论事件的承受,支撑,维持的意思.
bear 是常用词语,多用于负载,承受,忍受的意思,stand 是会话中常用词,释为忍受侮辱,艰难,冷热
(4) appliance facility equipment [释]:appliance 多用于器,物.意思为应用,运用等 facility
释为柔顺,轻便,容易使用的意思类似ease easy .equipment 释为装备.
(5) be lacking of lack in [释]:be lacking 释为缺乏,类似not have enough of it of lack
in 释为缺少.
(6) make for the summit [释]:迫近极限,为了达到顶点.
(7) overtake exceed [释]:overtake 释为超越 exceed 释为过度,胜出.
(8) mistake error misdeed fault [释]:mistake 释为错误 error 释为极限,过失.misdeed 释为
恶行,犯罪.fault 释为失败.
(9) he failed his exam.and it served him right because he had not studied for the semester
[释]:他的考试失败了,同时他也尽力了,因为他只读了半学期.用serve 合适.
(10) constitute compose of contain [释]:都有构成,组成的意思 constitute 释为任命,委任,构成
.compose 释为和解,组成.of contain 释为包容,构成.
(11) varied variable various [释]:varied 是动词 vary 的过去式.释为不同.variable [形] 释
为易变化的 various [形]释为不同的 .
(12) succeed inherit [释]:succeed 释为成功 inherit 释为继承,遗传.
(13) the children were awake [释]:awake 作vi用较好 awaken 作vt用较好 awake = awoke
(14) manage to do successed accomplish [释]:manage 释为控制,管理,驾驭等 success 是名词
accomplish 释为完成,实行.
(15) on good terms with my classmate [释]:classmate 同学 friendship 友情 两字不能互换
(16) I find this report badly done and that goes for all the other work done in this office [释]:
我发现这个报告糟糕没有完成,同时在这部门其他所有的工作将不会完成.go for 释为将要.
(17) faint vague [释]:faint 释为 指觉察到的东西 vague 指视觉看.
(18) firm rigid stiff tough [释]:firm 释为(形) 坚固的,结实的.(名) 商行,商号.rigid 释为 (形)不变的,坚硬的.
(名) 僵硬 stiff 释为 (形)坚硬的 (名) 尸体 tough 接触
(19) state claim declare [释]:state 释为(名) 情况,状态.(动)陈述 claim 释为 (名) 应归于,要求确认.
(20) John & Sam correspond for many years before they met [释}:约翰和萨姆正好符合相交多年 correspond 符合
(21) everyone should learn from his honorable conduct [释]:每个人会从他那里学到高尚情操.
(22) neglect igore [释]:neglect 释为疏忽,忽略.ignore 释为不顾.
(23) perceive observe [释]:perceive 释为看出,觉察.observe 释为看,观察.
(24) proportion rate ratio [释]:proportion 释为比例,比率(指部分与整体的关系) rate 释为 (名) 评估 比率.
ratio (名)比率.
(25) surroundings situation environment situation [释]:前者为[周围环境] 后者为[环境状况]
(26) fundamental elemental [释]:前者为[基本的,根本] 后者为[元素的]
(27) recall remind [释]:前者为[召回,回想] 后者为[提醒]
(28) extent range field [释]:extent 释为范围,区域.range 释为次序,漫游.field 释为田野
(30) by trade he is a teacher but now he is an unemployed 释为就从事贸易来说他是一位老师,然而他
目前是一个失业者 trade 是从事贸易
(29) procedure process [释]:前者为[一般手续,议事程序] 后者为[过程,程序]
(31) he placed too much emphasis on sports & not enough on his studies.[释]:他在运动上表现许多卓见有研究不够时
(32) shut out conversation [释] 禁止交谈
(33) If we are blind to this we shall commit the gravest error imaginable [释]; 如果我们失去判断力,我们将要发生最严重的失误而犯罪.
(34) vary change alter [释]:呈现不同的变迁
(35) imaginable imaginary imaginative imaginational [释]:imagine 释为印象,想像 更改后缀变更辞性与用法.
(36) All I'm trying to do this to find out why your condition has not improved [释]:总之,我试着做才发现为什么你的条件未改善.
(37) color-blind people often find it difficult to compare between blue and green [释]:色盲人在蓝绿色辨别时通常会感到困难 distinguish 不能用
(38) there is more land in Australia than the goverment knows what to do with [释]:在澳大利亚有许多土地比政府了解得多不知道如何去查.