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几个高中英语问题If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 11:40:56
If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped/ creatures inside shells of our own making. 答案选了trapped,说如果选creatures不合语法.但我看不出选creatures怎么不合语法了?
②grades和study 哪个与improve搭配比较好?为什么?
③The computer will tell/ identify your fingerprints before it allows you to enter the building. 答案选tell,可是我选了identify.怎么区分这两个单词的使用?
④Students nowadays should make full use of their time to equip themselves with knowledge so that they can easily suit to/ adapt to the competitive society in the future. 答案选了adapt to,我想知道suit to 为什么不行?两者有什么主要区别?
⑤Taobao, an online shopping site, quickly began offering for/ on sale coats in the same style of the superstar's. 答案填for,我填了on.其实我感觉这两个都可以呀.
几个高中英语问题If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growi
第三个,tell有“认出,读出”的意思,这里是想说电脑能够读出你的指纹让后放你进楼.一般用identify someone,而不是identify fingerprints.
第四个,adapt to是适应,句中想说的是在未来“适应社会”.suit to是“合适”,比如说鞋子比较合脚,衣服合身,it suits you(很适合你),.
第五个,on sale特指 降价甩卖,比如coats on sale,大衣甩卖.句中的意思是说淘宝开始卖明星同款的衣服了.这里的意思不是说衣服在减价甩卖,而是说明星同款的衣服有的卖了,所以用for sale.