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1.Painting in (oils) is one of their spare-time activities.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 14:54:16
1.Painting in (oils) is one of their spare-time activities.
2.a great deal 是怎么用的 后面能跟什么
a great deal与great deal of的区别 great many与a great many 的区别
3.The large houses are being painted ,but (at a great expense)
有四个选项 哪里错了
A.of great expense B.in a lot of expenses
C.at a great expense D.by high expense
4.Jim was late for two classes this morning.He said that he forgot both of the (room number).
为什么是room number 而不是room's number
5.一系列名词中间的连接 .-.
⑴He invited all of his (comrades-in-arm) to join his wedding party.
⑵After ten years ,all these youngsters became (grown-ups).
⑶The police investigated those (stander-bys)about the accident
⑷The Nazi kept those (prisoners-of-wars)in their concentration camp.
这四个都是有关这一类的 而每四个答案中【s】都出现在不同的单词后面
6.The manager was greatly appreciating that (news reel) made by Linda lately.
A.new reel B.news reel C.new-reels D.news reels
7.All the people at the conference are (mathematics teachers)
A.mathematic teachers B.mathematics teachers C.mathematics teacher D.mathematic's teachers
8.(Warned) against the coming hurricane,they dared not leave home.
A.Warned B.Having warned C.To warn D.Warn
9.In English-speaking countries,you can't always make yourself (understood) by speaking English.
10.Their plan (proved)to be a perfect one.这里不能用被动语态吗【was proved】
11.It promises another fine day tomorrow.
12.They (little) thought that the truth would be finally discovered.
A.little B.not C.small D.bit 选A 的原因
13.They hardly believe that the apartment which costs them $4,000 is (so small).
A.so small B.such little C.so little D.such small
14.If a claim is kept (alive),it is more likely to be recognized.
A.live B.lived C.alive D.living
15.Their survey will explain to you how what you have observed can be uesd in other fields.
1.Painting in (oils) is one of their spare-time activities.
1.Painting in (oils) is one of their spare-time activities.
answer:oils 在此处不是指石油,而是“油画颜料”的意思,颜料是可数名词.而后面的is 的主语是“刷不同颜料这件事”是单数.
2.a great deal 是怎么用的 后面能跟什么
answer:a great deal 后面跟不可数名词,表示“大量的”例如:a great deal of time
a great deal与great deal of的区别 great many与a great many 的区别
answer:a great deal 可以单独使用,也可以用在形容词或副词的比较级前,表示“大量;许多”;而a great deal of只能用在不可数名词前,表示“大量的”.如:We learned a great deal from them.我们从他们那里学到很多东西.
"a great many" 与"a great many of" 区别同上,只不过它们后面跟可数名词.
3.The large houses are being painted ,but (at a great expense)
有四个选项 哪里错了
A.of great expense B.in a lot of expenses
C.at a great expense D.by high expense
answer:"at a great expense 以巨大费用" 固定搭配,其实"at+名词"的短语会含有一定的"以.为代价"意思在里面.其他几个说得都不通的.你可以读读试试,"in+名词"常表示"用什麽方法,手段等"
4.Jim was late for two classes this morning.He said that he forgot both of the (room number).
为什么是room number 而不是room's number
answer:带所有格基本都是有生命力的人或物,room 没有生命的,其实这里room number 指的是房间号码,中文里有好像有“的,房间的号码”其实号码不是房间的.这里是定语指“房间的号码,而不是别的号码”
5.一系列名词中间的连接 .-.
⑴He invited all of his (comrades-in-arm) to join his wedding party.
⑵After ten years ,all these youngsters became (grown-ups).
⑶The police investigated those (stander-bys)about the accident
⑷The Nazi kept those (prisoners-of-wars)in their concentration camp.
这四个都是有关这一类的 而每四个答案中【s】都出现在不同的单词后面
6.The manager was greatly appreciating that (news reel) made by Linda lately.
A.new reel B.news reel C.new-reels D.news reels
answer:news 指“新闻”不是new--新的,news reel--新闻胶片
不选D 因为前面有“that"
7.All the people at the conference are (mathematics teachers)
A.mathematic teachers B.mathematics teachers C.mathematics teacher D.mathematic's teachers
answer:mathematic 是"数学的",而这里是指"数学学科"用"mathematics" teachers 因为前面是are.
8.(Warned) against the coming hurricane,they dared not leave home.
A.Warned B.Having warned C.To warn D.Warn
answer:这里是分词独立结构做状语从句,其主语是后面的"they" 你可以试著把"they"加到个选项前面就知道哪些是说不通的了.
9.In English-speaking countries,you can't always make yourself (understood) by speaking English.
answer:像yourself 这种反身代词后面都是被动形式.所以是understood.
10.Their plan (proved)to be a perfect one.这里不能用被动语态吗【was proved】
answer:这个句子你需要分清楚谓语是"be" ,前面的"to"是和proved在一起的.
所以不能是was proved,其实这里proved 是过去分词修饰plan.(过去分词是有被动意思,指plan 被提供的.
11.It promises another fine day tomorrow.翻译一下
12.They (little) thought that the truth would be finally discovered.
A.little B.not C.small D.bit 选A 的原因
answer:small 和bit 基本上不能修饰thought,not 不能单独修饰thought 要用“don't" "little"表示"一点点都没有"
13.They hardly believe that the apartment which costs them $4,000 is (so small).
A.so small B.such little C.so little D.such small
answer:搞清楚so 和such 用法,so +adj+n.such +a/an +n.such 后面不能直接跟adj.
14.If a claim is kept (alive),it is more likely to be recognized.
A.live B.lived C.alive D.living
15.Their survey will explain to you how what you have observed can be uesd in other fields.翻译一下
answer:翻译的时候注意把句子分开,如这句有“what you have observed"--"你观察到的”“how+从句+can be used in other fields"---"你(观察到的)怎样被使用在其他领域”再和上前面的主句“their survey will explain to you"---"他们的调查解释给你" 合起来就是---"他们的调查可以解释你的观察能在其他领域被使用.