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the titanic turned just in time ,narrowly missing the immens

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 22:24:31
the titanic turned just in time ,narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her.
这句话里面的 missing为什么要用ing形式呢?是动名词还是其他什么形式 直接用miss不可以吗 还有 which rose over 100 feet这里的rose是动词rise的过去式吗 表上升
the titanic turned just in time ,narrowly missing the immens
这里的 missing 是分词形式,现在通称 -ing form.动词的 -ing 在形式上与“动名词”一样,但语法功能不一样,所以不能混为一谈.所谓动名词是指动词的 -ing 形式在句子里作名词使用,如:
John is nowhere to find.His missing is a big mistery.这一句中的 missing 就是动名词.
你句子中的 missing 不能用 miss 或者 missed 来替换.这个分词结构表述的是船在及时转向的同时,躲开了冰山.因此用missing这个“悬垂”结构最合适.
再问: 所以是说这里的missing是做现在分词做伴随状语的是吗? 其实我不是很懂,我也看到很多类是的句子 有先分词形式是在放主句主语的前面,有先却是放在后面,请问有什么区别吗?例如 Looking at his watch,he saw that it was one o'clock和she put the babies on the bed, covering them with clothes
再答: 对,用“伴随状语”来解释 missing 在这里的用法也可以。作状语时,-ing form 的位置可前可后,没有区别。你的例句说明了这一点。
再问: 作状语时,-ing form 的位置可前可后,没有区别 我没太理解你说的这句话,为何说可前可后呢?不是分词形式放前或放后所表达的语境意思也都不一样吗?
再答: 在英语句子中,状语(副词性短语)的位置是最灵活的,可放在句首、句中或句尾而不影响原句的意思。试比较: Knowing that you'll be coming, he has prepared a lot of food and invited other friends. He has prepared a lot of food, knowing that you'll be coming, and invited other friends. He has prepared a lot of food and invited other friends, knowing that you'll be coming.
再问: 如你所说的 如果我把这句话的位置也换一下 Looking at his watch,he saw that it was one o'clock he saw that it was one o'clock,Looking at his watch 这样也没问题吗,我总感觉这样写有点奇怪
再答: 你的这个例子说起来的确是怪怪的,原因是动作发生的先后顺序,而不是语法结构上的问题。换句话说,人们的正常思维不会说成 he saw that it was one o'clock, looking at his watch,尽管这样说不会产生歧义。这应该说是个特例,但不足以否定英语句子中状语位置的灵活性。