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健康生活:如何恢复健康 How to Get Back in Shape

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 06:00:22
健康生活:如何恢复健康 How to Get Back in Shape
健康生活:如何恢复健康 How to Get Back in Shape
在长时间没有没有运动的情况下,恢复健康是要避免一次做得太多运动的陷阱.适度的增加运动会带来更好的全面的健康和长寿.Step 1:Start slowly
Start slowly.Get clearance from a physician to evaluate your current condition,especially after not working out for a long time,adding weight,or giving birth.
要慢慢地开始.要去医生那里了解清楚你目前的状况,尤其是在长时间没有工作,体重增加或是生育小孩之后.Step 2:Buy new stuff
Purchase new shoes and comfortable exercise clothing.Making an investment in workout clothes will give you extra motivation to use them.And consider working out with a friend to have someone to whom you’re accountable on a regular basis.
负责任的朋友和你定期锻炼.Step 3:Choose fun activity
Set short-term,obtainable goals in a consistent workout schedule,and choose an exercise or activity that you like to do.Start with light,short routines like a walk or jog 3 days a week.
要有稳定的锻炼计划并设立稳短期的,能达到的目标,选择一个你喜欢的运动.开始时量要少,路线要短,比如走路或一周慢跑3天.Step 4:Record progress
Record each of your workouts online or in a notebook so that you can track your progress.Once moving well again,gradually start working on your strength in the muscle groups.Document your progress with periodic photos of yourself.
记下进步在网上或笔记上记下你每天的锻炼情况,以便你能查找自己的进步.一旦能再次很好地锻炼,要逐步加强肌肉锻炼.拍下你锻炼期间的照片,以便来记录你自己的进步.Tip:Get your diet in shape by adding in a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables,lean protein,and whole grain breads and pasta.Monitor your food intake to build energy and health.
贴士:饮食要添加多种新鲜的水果和蔬菜,瘦蛋白,全麦面包和意大利面.要检测食物的摄入量来保持活力和健康.Step 5:Build the routine
Add to your cardio exercise routine,whether walking,running,lifting,or swimming.Play sports — basketball,football,soccer,and so on — to get a full workout.Create a new healthy lifestyle and readjust goals constantly as you improve.
设定路线要在运动中加入对心脏的锻炼,无论是走路,跑步,举重还是游泳.做诸如篮球,足球,橄榄球这样的运动来进行充分锻炼.创造一种新的健康生活模式,当你提高时要不断调整目标.Step 6:Reward yourself
Reward yourself with a healthy snack and take occasional days off when you feel worn out to avoid injury.
给自己奖励当你感到精疲力尽时可以吃点健康的小吃或是休息几天,这样能避免受伤.Step 7:Enroll in classes