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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 16:17:48
A horrible day
Since I am a senior school student.Everyday is horribe and tense.The reason for that is that we got a tough head teacher.He teaches us math. After the math is over, we fell that is so relieved that day.And this day is the most horrible one. We have two maths today, one is in the morning and the other one is in the afternoon.Still there would have a test before school is over.At the first math class, unluckily our team has been chose.Suddenly, we heard 'PA',he pressed the desk harder.The first one is chose to answer, I didn't have time to think,and I became the next one.I could imagne nothing.And just in one second, the one who sit behind me is chose.As a result we three should have this class which we can't sit,and sometimes he will give us some contempts.
In the second math,I was very tired and I can't even make my eye opened. Suddenly, he called my name and said:'If you can't make yourself attentively, then go and stand behind!.'I was awaked by his voice. It's horrible that he kept asking questiongs.When I couldn't answer them, he won't show a good face.
Then, we still had to do the math exam.He even don't let us go home when the exam is finished.He garded the papers and explained the questions to us.For I'm the NO1 who he would pay a lot of attention on today.When he standed in front of me ,I was so nervous and scared of yelling by him.When he walked down and went out.I have a long sigh and the horrible day was finally over.
英语翻译恐怖的一天自从我进入高中后,每一天都很紧张,恐怖.主要是遇到一位很麻辣的班主任.他教我们数学,每天的数学课只要上 (自从你进入我的生活后,我每一天都过的很开心,对你很依赖,希望你尽量不要离开我.)英语怎么写阿? 骸音怎么这么恐怖啊啊啊,自从看了细菌污染之后我每天晚上都梦到恐怖的骸音啊啊啊 什么鬼片恐怖很恐怖的那种 求一篇新学期的开学心得 每学期开学的第一天 班主任上完安全教育课 都要我们写篇开学心得 今年是我大专生涯的最后一学期了 我害怕我今天遇到3个恐怖帖,都是不发就会死的,我很害怕,其中一个恐怖帖是5分钟不发会怎样的,我超过了5分钟,我害怕,给多 你遇到最恐怖的事情是什么 英语翻译老公谢谢你一直以来对我的爱护希望以后的每一天都有你陪在身边我们能够一起面对以后遇到的困难我爱你 人真的会产生幻觉吗?小时候看了一部当觉得很恐怖的电影,刚好我当时是和我父母睡一张床的,一天晚上父母因为拍蚊子把我吵醒,我 宇宙黑洞真的很恐怖吗?都听我同学说的 英语翻译自从那天遇见你,就开始改变我的人生.每一天都很想你,但是只能远远看着.不过对我来说,已经很幸福了.9月28日那天 英语翻译现在我们已经是九年级了,每一天都很繁忙.因为在中国九,十,十一,十二年级是十分重要的.家长们以为靠到一个好的高中