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帮我回答几个英语翻译的问题~~谢谢~~ 有点多,感激不尽~~~

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 00:35:49
帮我回答几个英语翻译的问题~~谢谢~~ 有点多,感激不尽~~~
1.A lot of research into temperature changes in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
2.翻译:That's shorthand for the ability of gases in the atmosphere to slow down the release of heat into space at night. Some gases are better at this than others.
3.翻译:Of course, because the effects of global warming on local climates are very complicated, it remains to be seen exactly how different regions will feel the heat.
"Global warming is a term that's extremely useful when you're running a planet," says John Cox, author of the book Climate Crash. "But it's regional change that affects people. It's the wet and cold and hot and dry."
4.翻译: Life has always played a pivotal role in Earth's climate, having been both driven to evolve by climate changes and an actual driver of climate change.
5.翻译:According to recent research, special clay minerals -- made by soil microbes on land and washed into the seas – acted like "kitty litter" in the seas and absorbed vast quantities of oxygen-consuming organic carbon compounds. The minerals sank to the seafloor with their carbon loads and were buried.
6.翻译:orbital forcing.
7.翻译:Wiped Out By Climate Change? 70,000 years ago
By this time, Homo sapiens was definitely on the scene as a sophisticated hunter-gatherer. There were other hominids, too, like the rugged Homo neanderthalensis in Europe and the Hobbit-like Homo floresiensis of Indonesia. But climate was a problem.
8.翻译:By the end of the 20th century, the greenhouse was just too warm to be effected very long.
9.翻译:Dr. Malcolm Hughes of the University of Arizona dendrochronology lab is among a small group of scientists who have cored trees and made cross sections of dead stumps all over the world.
10.翻译:Over the last 25 years, Antarctica's colonies of Adelie penguins have declined sharply. Humble Island is one of eight islets off Anvers Island where thousands of Adelie have nested for some 600 years. Now, Chinstrap penguins are moving rapidly into Adelie territory. Archaeological digs in penguin colonies indicate there probably were no Chinstraps in this area until about 50 years ago, when average temperatures began to rise.
11.翻译: The rising Bering Sea is threatening the native village of Shismaref, Alaska, a hamlet of about 590 Inupiats perched on a sandy barrier island on the northwest shore of Seward Peninsula. Shore erosion of the narrow spit has been severe since the 1950s, and protective armor and wire gabions have been ineffective.
12.翻译:This image, taken in 1999, shows the lighthouse at about the halfway point of its move along a specially constructed track.
帮我回答几个英语翻译的问题~~谢谢~~ 有点多,感激不尽~~~
1 into有深入的意思,research into深入研究
2 这些气体不足以减缓热在夜间辐射回太空,而某些气体在这方面的能力要更好
3 当然,由于全球暖化对当地的影响是相当复杂的,不同地区对热会有怎样不同的感受还有待确切观察
“全球暖化对于行星运转来说是一个非常有用的术语,”《失调的气候》的作者John Cox说,“但影响到人类的是湿、冷、热、干这些区域变化.”
4 人类活动在地球气候中起着关键的作用,气候变化影响着人类的发展,同是人类也时时刻刻地在影响着气候变化
5 根据最近的研究,一种由陆地冲入海洋的土壤微生物而形成的特殊粘土矿物,如同海洋中的"kitty litter",吸收大量的含氧有机碳化物,这些含碳矿物质沉入海底,被埋藏在那里.
6 轨道驱使
7 被气候变化灭绝?70,000年前,那时候智人就是一大群聚集在一起的猎人,还有其他的人种,像健壮的尼安德特人以及在印度尼西亚长得像霍比特人的弗洛里斯人,但气候是一个问题.
8 到20世纪末,温室变得太暖以致不能长时间被影响
9 亚利桑那州大学”树木年代学“实验室的Malcolm Hughes博士是少数拥有世界各地
10 在过去25年里,南极洲殖民地的阿得利企鹅,数量在急速下降,Humble岛是Anvers岛的八个附属小岛之一,那里有成千上万个600年前遗留下的阿得利企鹅巣.现在,Chinstrap企鹅在飞速地移往阿得利区域.南极洲殖民地的考古挖掘显示直到50年前这里可能还没有Chinstrap企鹅,那时候气候正开始上升.
11 白令海峡的水平面上升危及到Seward Peninsula西南部海滨的阿拉斯加的Shismaref村,当地有590个Inupiat(某种族人).1950年代起那里的海滨侵蚀就已经严重了,铁甲以及铁笼网都起不到保护的作用.