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英语翻译A database is a collection of data organized in a manner

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 07:15:48
A database is a collection of data organized in a manner which allows retrieval and use of that data.A database consists of one or more files.A file is a collection of related data.Database software allows the user to organize the data in the manner required for the application,allows retrieval of that data,and also allows the user to easily add,delete,or change data in the database.
Databases on personal computers have typically been divided into two main groups.Flat-file managers work with a single file at a time and arc usually menu-based,easy to use,and aimed at an end user who keeps track of his or her own data,such as a telephone or address list.Relational databases can work with multiple files at a time and have typically been aimed at consultants or in house support staffs who build applications.
In the past few years,these distinctions have begun to break down.On the one hand,the flat-file managers have gotten a lot more powerful programs and have begun to approach relational databases in terms of basic capabilities.
Relational databases have been changing also.Programs like Paradox are designed so that it’s simple for a user to perform ad hoc queries.And products like Database let you design multifold applications with little or no programming.
At the same time,however,other database products are emphasizing power and multiuser features over ease of use.This is particularly true of the really powerful database engines originally designed for minicomputers and mainframes that are now offered and promoted in PC versions.The most successful example of this has been Oracle,an incredibly powerful database engine,and one designed for multiuser environments,but lacking in the ease-of-use features that most PC users expect.
The market leader dBASE has been trying to change to match all these expectations.DBASE W adds a front end that makes it easier to use,a query-by-example interface for ad hoc queries,and more power in the form of more advanced indexing and relationality.
英语翻译A database is a collection of data organized in a manner
一个数据库是以允许取回和那一笔数据的使用的样子组织的一个数据的收集. 一个数据库有一或更多文件. 一个文件是收集相关的数据. 数据库软件为申请让使用者以样子组织数据必需的, 允许取回数据, 以及让使用者容易地增加,划除, 或在数据库中的变化数据.
在个人计算机上的数据库典型地有是分开的进入二主要部份之内小组.公寓-文件的经理工作与一文件每次和弧通常以菜单为基础的, 容易的到使用, 和对准目标在使用者谁掌握的资讯他的或她自己的数据, 像是一电话或住址目录. 表示关系的数据库能工作与倍数文件每次和有典型地是对准目标在顾问或在房子支持职员谁建立申请.
过去几年, 这些区别有开始故障. 在一方面, 公寓-文件的经理有变得较多的有力计画和有开始到方法表示关系的数据库在期限基本能力.
表示关系的数据库有变更也. 像似非而是的说法计画是设计以便它是简单的让一个使用者运行特别疑问. 而且像数据库的产品让你们设计多折层申请与很小的或甚至没有规画.
同时, 然而, 其他的数据库产品是强调力量和多使用者特征上面的安逸使用. 这特别地真实为小型计算机非常有力数据库引擎本来设计和主机哪一现在是提供和促进在个人计算机版本. 最成功的例子这有是甲骨文,一个不能采信有力的数据库引擎, 和一为多使用者环境设计, 但是缺乏的在那安逸--使用特征大部分个人计算机使用者期待.
市场领袖 dBASE 有尝试到变化到比赛这些期待. DBASE W 增加一前线使它变成更容易的结束到使用, 一疑问-被-例子接口为特别疑问, 和更多力量在那形式更多先进的索引和关系.