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英语 名词的量(可数和不可数多要)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:19:25
英语 名词的量(可数和不可数多要)
像 *******+名词(可数\不可数)
英语 名词的量(可数和不可数多要)
名词分为普通名词,某一类人、某类事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称.专有名词: 个别的人、团体、地方、机构
或事物的名称(其中实词的第一个字母必须大写) the Communist Party of China , the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs,外交部 the Great Hall of the People (人名、地名、时间名、报刊名、宗教名、语言名、单位团体名等

普通名词(4类) 1类名词:表示人或事物属于某一类 factory, teacher 2集体名词:一些人或物的总称:crowd,
herd 3物质名词:无法分为个体的物质或不具备
确定形状和大小的个体的实物 4抽象名词:表动作、状态、品质或其他抽象概念
名词从数形、数念角度又可分为可数、不可数 一般来说类名词和集体名词是可数的,物质、抽象、专有为不可数.
可数: 可被基数词one,two或与它们相当的词所修饰的词; 不可数: 不可被基数词one,two或与它们相当的词所修
还有“零念”,如on foot前没有定不定冠词后没有复数s, 或以复数形式出现但不能被基数词one,two或与它们相当的
词修饰(不能计数)的词,叫零念 .只能用much等 表泛泛意义的词修饰. Difficulties, opinions

从集体名词本身看,family,class,team等被视为一个整体时,后用单,被视为构成整体的一个个 个体时,用复数
. 但它们本身可说2个班,2个家庭表复数,从而有单、复数形式.
His family is a happy one. His family are all fond of stamp-collecting. There are 19 teams in our school.
抽象名词本不可数,前不加任何冠词,后用单数形式.we long for freedom. 但有定语修饰或有特定具体内容时可
加the I didn't have the courage to tell you. We enjoyed the beauty of nature. Bob spoke the truth.
抽象名词有些在“有此意”时是可计数的,表几个和“一种”; 物质名词常为 “一份” 之意.
the visit is a failure. His plan ended in failure. Christianity and Islam are two different religious. Religin
meats more and more to her.
it's a pleasure to work with you. I have a respect for my mother. There is a beauty in simplicity. His son is
a trouble to him. It'll be a great happiness to read them.
we long for freedom.
有些词不同形式有不同意思 如 experience经验,experiences经历 decoration表抽象意义的装修,decorations
有些抽象、物质名词表抽象概念时是不可数名词,而表示具体事物时则为可数 youth 青春 a youth 一个青年人
relation 关系 a relation一位亲戚 必要性necessity 必需品a necessity
glass玻璃 a glass一个玻璃杯 , copper铜 a copper 一个铜币,tin锡 a tin一个铁罐 paper纸 a paper报纸、证片
(chopping wood enter a wood 表不同意思当然为不同词类,of course)
如要表“一件”这类概念,把不可数变为可数,就在前面加 a ..of 这种定语(物质名词及单位可数 也可用)不仅表示
a sheet of paper, a lump of sugar, a piece of furniture, a can of orange juice, a bowl of rice, a grain of
rice, a stick of chalk, a burst of applause,a fit of anger, a ray of hope, a stroke of good luck
两“份”咖啡 two coffees 也表“种” 各种各样的茶teas
表连绵不断 之意,水域 waters,沙漠sands 积雪snows
a poem-poetry a machine -machinery a permit- permission a bag -baggage a job-work
至于一些可数名词在某些特定意思的搭配中也可表示抽象概念,从而成为不可数名词 你家庭负担太重了 you have
too much family.
1集体名词是这样,当表 整体意时为 抽象 不可数,表 成员 为具体时,可数. 2 如decoration就为典型的,表装修
这个整体概念 抽象,the decoration of
your house is beautiful,当表房间的具体装饰物时为可数. 3当butter bread表一个整体概念时 抽象,不可数,而
4如 activities活动,surroundings 环境为复数形式不可记数,实际也是当作一个整体抽象来看,一般抽象名词不加定
冠后,也就是零念的吧 5当名词从“量”角度考虑时为一个整体,抽象,而从 具体一个个“数”角度看,为可数,
thirty-three dollars! We never had so much to speak before. 此论到主谓一致用is,也就是 thanks 用much
修饰的原因了 ,much thanks.He has much brains. 问价时,much 还可放在单数可数名词前,这时亦指“量”,而
非“数”,there is not much garden left behind the house. There is not much point in going on.
作为学科,mathematics用作单数,但指数学运算时,用复. 看“抽象,具体”“整体,个体”“量,数”
名词复数, 绝大多数名词的复数形式由在单数形式后面加s或es构成, 具体音标读音看音标在除 s? 外的清辅音后读作
s, 在除z?的浊辅音后读作z,在s? z? 后读发iz
以th收尾的词+s,原读θ,加词尾后都念ez ,除长月, length month le?θs /m?nθs
如词末为 辅音+y,则变y为i+es ies念作iz
少数 辅音加o的 要加es es念作z 黑人英雄用土豆和番茄喂蚊子 negro hero tomato potato mosquito (其他一般
来说都加s) 少数词尾为f或fe的变为ves, ves念作vz 淘气妻带着一半刀\叶子和面包,在书架前自我捆牛狼贼命 elf
wife half knife leaf loaf, shelf self sheaf calf wolf thief life
唯有house 加s念 houses /haoziz/
1变内部元音oo ee tooth foot louce-lice mouse-mice man-men woman-women
2词末 -en ox-en child-ren
3形式不变(单复同形) sheep fish deer grouse goldfish airscaft wheat works means offspring
外来词(仍)保留原来的形式 cirterion-criteria crisis-crises phenomennon-phenomena medium-media basis-
we come to a crossroads.十字路口 They began a series of experiment. 这两个以s为词尾的用作单数.
通常以复数形式表达意思的词,其中a 有两部分组成 b由ing结尾的词 以及c其它情况
a: clothes, garments, trousers, pants裤子, shorts, jeans, briefs内裤, braces背带, tights紧身衣, slacks便装裤,
overalls工装裤, underpants, glasses,
spectacles, sunglasses, earphones耳机, scales天平, pliers钳子,老虎钳,nail-clippers指甲刀
b: belongings, surroundings-curcumstances, savings, earings, winnings, sweepings,writings, findings
c:contents目录,arms武器, riches,valuables珍贵物品,assets,effects个人用品 ,goods,fireworks烟火,thanks,
congratulations, outskirts城郊, living-quarters住宅区,
tropics热带, stairs楼梯, bowels肠,guts胆量,brains头脑,statistics统计资料, oil-colours油画, dues应付的费,
particulars细节, ashes灰烬, greens青菜, armed forces武装部队
以s结尾,但并不是复数,为单数 1病 diabetes,measles, mumps,rabies,rickets,syphilis 2 某些学科或活动名称 杂技
电子学electronics ,遗传学genetics ,语言学linguistics,数学mathematics ,机械学mechanics ,物理学physics ,政治
politics ,统计学 statistics 3 cards打纸牌
用于某个特定意思时,名词为复数的情况 the authorities当局,see the lights观光, the waters of the river滚滚长江
,Chinese waters中国水域, go to the pictures,去看电影
the odds机会,customs海关,accept their terms接受条件,put on airs摆架子,judge a person by his looks以貌取
人, personal effects个人用品, in high spirits,
natural resourcs自然资源,donsider their feelings,make matters worse,watch their movements, serve
refreshments用点心招待,travel expenses
,internal affairs内部事物, working conditions have good manners, hold talks举行会谈, show your papers把证
件拿出来, strengthen the defences加强防御,
break off diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系
以上所论单复数形式,意义在于1 后接动词的单复数形式 2前面冠词及限定词的形式
五,复合词的名词 1当复合词的第二部分是名词时,不论第一部分是否也是名词,在词最后词尾+s armchairs
2由名词与副,形,介 短语构成的复合名词,其复数形式在名词后+s, passers-by
3复合词的构成没有主体名词,通常在词最后加s go-betweens,
总结: 复合词的复数都在最后加s,除非主体中心名词前有且后没有
一些由man,woman构成的合成词,两部分都要复数 men-lawyers, women doctors 但police man/woman -police
men/ women (摆在后面不用 如chorus girl-chorus girls)
其它复数形式 a年份 +s或's the 1980s /1980's 二十世纪八十年代
b缩写词+s 或's VIPs I have two A's in the notebooks. But I'm no buts.
中日越葡瑞 单复数形式不变 chinese Japanese Vietnamese Portuguese Swiss
用单数形式 head 头,dozen 打,score 二十,yen 日元,li 里,mu 亩,dan 担,yuan 元 two head of cattle
someone to talk to,可与交谈的人a case to keep my records in 放我的磁带的盒子,cushion to sit on坐垫, a
glass to drink out of喝水杯 ,a tool to open it with,用来打开这动词的工具 a table to write on写字台