作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 23:25:19
Directions:You are candidates for president of Student Union and you will make a speech to convince that you are the right person for this position.You may tell us what your goal is and what you will do to achieve your goal.Now write the oral speech for about 120-150 words according to the following outline.
A campaign speech
1.你认为自己具备了什么条件 (能力,性格,爱好等) 可以胜任学生会主席的工作.
The sample structure you can choose to follow:
1.Opening remarks:
2.Body:+ your experience/ skills / personality
3.Ending:promise +best wishes
不要乱写 我会仔细看过的
【开头段opening remarks】Good morning, dear boys and girls. My name is (你的名字) , today I'm going to introduce myself and to prove that I'm qualified for the president of Student Union.
【内容body】【第一个事例,讲经历】I shall say that I'm a very responsible person. I used to work as a volunteer in my community when I was a high school student. I helped to settle a plenty of problems in my community and I felt that as a part of it, we all have duty to make it better.
【第二个事例,讲能力】My roommates once said that I'm very good at settling problems. I think he meaned it. As I was a kid, I cried when I faced the difficulty. But my parents told me that crying does help for nothing, and together we figured out a way to settle the problem. And from then on, I stop to be panic when I face the problems and try hard to make them through.
【结尾Ending】There is a little time to let you guys know all about me. But if you can give me a chance to prove it, I will show that I can make the best of the student union and create a very suitable situation for us. But no matter what, I wish the student union can be better day by day.
That's all. Thank you.