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英语翻译up to behind schedule pick up slap on take place1.Great

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 07:23:22
up to behind schedule pick up slap on take place
1.Great changes _______in this area during the past five years.
2.Could you please_________the book for me?
3.The project fell _________because of the bad weather.
4.Your work doesn't come __________the requirements.
5.Jack_____his cap______and ran out of the office.
6.His brother will______him_____in an hour.
英语翻译up to behind schedule pick up slap on take place1.Great
1.has taken place 在过去的五年里,这个地区发生了非常大的变化.之所以填这个,首先看意思,take place 的意思是发生.再次,因为是已经发生过了,所以用现在完成时态.2.pick up 能请你为我把书捡起来吗?或者,能请你把书...
再问: 书上只给了5个选项让填6个句子啊~~~你再看看第六个~~其实很看好你的回答的~~要是不回答第六个就不给你最佳答案咯
再答: 好吧,第六题的答案是pick up啊!意思是顺路接他。一般是指开车接人。