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What have you been doing?As you already know,the economic st

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 06:27:34
What have you been doing?As you already know,the economic state is killing our bank accounts but I came across something that I just HAD to share with you!We both hate our 9-5's so it's the least I can do.This woman in this news blog makes almost $7,000 a month and it really got me thinking that I must learn to do what she does.I know you think I'm crazy...but I've already made 600 dollars last week following what she did!I know you're an open minded fellow so I'm sure you can get the hang of it.Just read this page carefully and follow EXACTLY what it says and I KNOW you'll do well!I'm contemplating quitting my sh*tty job,but I just want to make sure this continues.I already got a check for last weeks work...I'm just so excited to be making money on the interwebs!Give it a whirl,if you help with anything in particular just shoot me an email back and I'll help you :-) Here's the news blog
What have you been doing?As you already know,the economic st
你最近在忙什么?你已经知道了,现在经济状况非常不好.但是我无意中发现了一些事情想要跟你分享!我们都讨厌我们的9-5's(什么东东?)所以我至少可以这样做.在这个新闻博客上的这个女人赚将近7000美元一个月,这让我考虑到我必须学习她的做法.我知道你会在想我疯了.但是按照她的做法我上周赚了600美元!我知道你是个思想开放的人,所以我相信你很快就会搞清楚诀窍.只要认真阅读这一页,正确的按照上面说的做,我知道你会做的很好!我正在考虑辞掉我的该死的工作,我只想确定它会继续.(此处不明白继续什么,别拍我)我已经拿到上个星期赚的钱了.能从网站上赚钱我真是太兴奋了!试一试,如果你有任何特殊的地方想要帮助,只要给我回个邮件,我就会帮你的:). 这就是那个新闻博客.