作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译20why do you choose your major?choose 选择21what is your f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:32:15
20why do you choose your major?choose 选择
21what is your favorite(最喜欢的) pet(宠物)?why
22 have u ever gone abroad?
go abroad去国外,出国
引申:have u ever gone to America?
23what’s your favorite food?what’s your favorite movie?are you interested in America culture
culture 文化
be interested in 感兴趣的
24do you have a bank deposit form?银行存款证明form 表格from
25do you have official transcript?
official transcript 正式的成绩单
引申:high school middle school中学
please give me your high school transcript
27when did you take the IELTS exam?take exam 考试
28what score did you get in the IELTS?
29can you talk some courses you will be taking (can u talk some course you will take?)
course 课程
take courses上课
30what is your hobbies?what do you like to do in your spare time?
(=what do you like to do on your time off?)
hobby 爱好
spare 空余
31how many years have you already studied?
already 已经
31can you tell me what’s assistantship they ' v(=they have) given you?
assistantship 助学金scholarship 奖学金
32what’s your favorite American movie?
英语翻译20why do you choose your major?choose 选择21what is your f
我来~等下哈.21.你为什么选择你的专业?22. 你最喜欢的宠物是什么?为什么?23. 你出过国么?24. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?最喜欢的电影是什么?你对美国的文化感兴趣么?25. 你有正式的成绩单么? 请给我你高中的成绩单.2...
再问: 有道是直接翻译的
再答: 哈哈~这个是自己翻译的,采纳吧,亲~
再问: Is –(学校名字)the first university to give you the offer?
40 will you come back to this company after you graduation?
再答: XX学校是第一所给你录取通知的学校么?
40 你毕业以后会回来这个公司么?

再问: 留学+面签
再答: 应该比较容易的~